ELEMENTARY Практика Практика. There is/are. Some and any Практика. There is/are. Some and any 0% Practice. Some and any. There is/are Upstairs there’s _____ big bathroom any an some a There _____ an armchair some are any is The front door is _____ the top of the steps. at on in by There _____ any flowers isn’t is are aren’t Are there _____ trees and flowers in the garden? a any * some Is _____ a television? Yes, there ____. there / is that / is this / is this / are Does the cottage have _____ dining room? some any an a There _____ magazines under the table some are is any _____ there a table? Yes, there _____. Is / are Are / are Is / is Are / is There are two pictures _____ the wall at in of on It’s the best home _____ the world in all at on _____ there any photos? No, there _____. Are/isn’t Is / isn’t Are / aren’t Is / aren’t There _____ a post box in front of the chemist’s. any is some are There _____ a photo _____ the television is / in are / on are / in is / on The village of the Kingmore has _____ post office and _____ shop. some / a a / a an / a some / any There are _____ good restaurants nearby. * any some a The cinema is _____ the left on in off at _____ there any cups? Yes, ______ are. There / is Are / there This / is Is / this There’s _____ electric cooker. a some any an Are there _____ good beaches near the cottage? the some a any Your score is 0% Restart quiz Вивчаємо граматику – There is/are. Some and any Post Navigation Previous Великі тварини – англійські слова для опису найбільших тварин світуNext Фразові дієслова із point в англійській мові