Практика. Something, anyone, nobody, everywhere. A few, a little, a lot of. Some, any


Практика. Something, anyone, nobody, everywhere. A few, a little, a lot of. Some, any


Practice. Something, anyone, nobody, everywhere. A few, a little, a lot of. Some, any

I’ll be ready in _____ minutes

I’m bored. I want _____ interesting to read, or ____ to talk to, or ____ interesting to go.

I have _____ close fiends. Two or three.

Is there _____ traffic in your town?

She speaks good Spanish, but only _____ English.

Did you buy _____ at the shops? No,_____. I didn’t have any money.

Ouch! There’s _____ in my eye! Let me look. No, I can’t see _____.

Did you meet _____ at the party? Yes, I met _____ who knows you!

I don’t want to talk to _____.  And I want to talk to _____ either.

I come to ______ school by _____ bus.

Have you got _____ homework?

Have you got _____ CD’s? Yes, hundreds

Let’s go _____ hot for our holidays. But we can’t go _____; that’s too expensive

Do you take sugar in coffee? Just _____. Half a spoonful

How _____ people live in your house?

I don’t know _____ students in this class. Because I am a newcomer

We don’t need _____ eggs. Just half a dozen.

He has _____ money. He’s a millionaire

It was a great party. _____ loved it.

I lost my glasses. I looked _____, but I couldn’t find them.

Your score is


Вивчаємо граматику – MANY, MUCH, FEW, LITTLE, A LOT OF; займенники some, any, no, every   – та виконуй вправи та тести правильно.

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