Практика. Present Simple: Positive, Negative, Question. Особові займенники та присвійні прикметники

Практика. Present Simple: Positive, Negative, Question. Особові займенники та присвійні прикметники. Дієслова – Робота


Practice. Present Simple: Positive, Negative, Question. Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives. Verbs - Jobs

She’s married _____ an American man

That’s my dictionary. Can I have ___ back please?

__________ designs buildings

He _____ to help people

We _____ _____ watching television

_____ he married? No, he _____.

She goes skiing _____ her free time

How _____ he _____ to work? By car

Anna likes Joanna, but Maria doesn’t like _____.

Does she live in Australia? No, she _____.

He works _____ an undertaker

He lives ____ an island _____ the west of Scotland

Philippe _____ in London

_____ he sleep well?

_____ sells things

_____ _____ looks after money

What _____ she do? She is an interpreter

_____ _____ languages does she speak?

He _____ listening _____ music

A barman _____.

Your score is


Вивчайте граматику – Present Simple: Positive, Negative, Question. Особові займенники та присвійні прикметники. Дієслова – Робота

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