Практика. Going to. Infinitive of purpose

'Will' vs 'be going to'

Практика. Going to. Infinitive of purpose


Practice. Going to. Infinitive of purpose

What’s _____ TV tonight?

I’m saving my money _____ a CD player

We _____ to stay in a villa in France this summer.

They _____ both _____ to become TV stars

She was afraid _____ cars

Careful! The glass is _____ fall

What’s _____ the cinema?

We _____ to Paris this weekend

She’s good _____ singing

We’re going to Paris _____ a holiday

I’m going _____ Peter tonight

There’s a film _____ channel 4

She _____ to be a ballet dancer when she _____ up.

She’s going _____ home

I _____ Peter tonight

What’s she going _____ ?

What’s the weather _____ today?

I’m going to Florida _____ a year’s time

He’s interested _____ flying

Tom and Tim _____ for lunch tomorrow

Your score is


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