
Дієслово to have – це неправильне дієслово, яке перекладається як «мати щось», «володіти чимось». Дане дієслово має три форми: have, had, had.  Дієслово to have має граматичні форми теперішнього (Present Simple), минулого (Past Simple) та майбутнього часу (Future Simple), а також форму пасивного стану (Passive Voice). Розглянемо таблицю із найчастішим вживанням дієслова to have.

Question Positive Statement (spoken) Negative Statement (spoken)

Singular (Однина)

Do I have …?
Have I got …?
I have
I have not
(I haven’t/I’ve not)
Does he / she / it have…?
Has he/she/it got …?
He/she/it has
(He/she/it ‘s)
He/she/it has not
(He/she/it hasn’t)
Do you have …?
Have you got …?
You have
You have not
(You haven’t/You’ve not)
Did I / he / she / it have …?
Had I / he / she / it / you got…?
I / He / She / It / You had
(I’d / He’d / She’d / You’d)
I / He / She / It / You had not
(I / He / She / It / You hadn’t)

Plural (Множина)

Do we / you / they have …?
Have we / you / they got …?
We / You / They have
(We’ve / You’ve / They’ve)
We / You / They have not
(We / You / They haven’t // We’ve nof / You’ve not They’ve not)
Do you have …?
Have you got …?
You have
You have not
(You haven’t/You’ve not)
Do they have …?
Have they got …?
They have
They have not
(They haven’t/They’ve not)
Did we / you / they have …?
Had we / you / they got … ?
We / You / They had
(We’d / You’d / They’d)
I / He / She / It / You had not
(I / He / She / It / You hadn’t)

Функції дієслова to have

Дієслово to have, в англійській мові, може вживатися в якості допоміжного, смислового і модального дієслова. Він також може використовуватися у виразах для позначення дії.

  • to have як смислове дієслово – він виражає відносини володіння
  • to have як допоміжне дієслово – використовується при утворенні часів групи Perfect і Perfect Progressive (Continuous)
  • to have як еквівалент модального дієслова must – позначає необхідність, пораду чи рекомендацію. Вимушеність дії зумовленої якими-небудь обставинами, для цього використовується форма to have + інфінітив з часткою to

Стверджувальні форми основного дієслова to have

Person 1st / 2nd sing 3rd sing Plural
Tense I / you he, she, etc we / you / they
Present have has have
Preterit had
Present perfect have had has had have had
Past perfect had had

Заперечні форми основного дієслова to have

Person  1st / 2nd sing 3rd sing Plural
Tense I / you he, she, etc we / you / they
Present do not have / don’t have does not have/ doesn’t have don’t have
Preterit did not have / didn’t have
Present perfect haven’t had hasn’t  had haven’t had
Past perfect hadn’t had

Форми минулого часу з have

Sample verb “walk” 1st sing 2nd sing 3rd sing Plural
I have walked you have walked he / she… has walked we / you / they have walked
I had walked You had walked He/ she … had walked we / you / they had walked
Present perfect progressive I have been walking You have been walking He / she… have been walking we / you / they have been walking
Past perfect progressive I had been walking You had been walking he / she … had been walking We had been walking

Приклади із використанням дієслова to have:

  • I have read a lot of books – Я прочитав багато книжок
  • I have many beautiful dresses – У мене багато гарних суконь
  • Do you have a car? – У вас є автомобіль?
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