Практика. There is/are. Prepositions of place – Some and any

Практика. There is/are. Prepositions of place – Some and any


Practice. There is/are. Prepositions of place - Some and any

There _____ one bag. There _____ 3 bags

There’s _____ open-fire in the living room?

There is _____ photo of _____ teachers

_____ there three stereos in the living room? No, there _____ .

_____ is there in the bedroom? There _____ 2 beds, 3 televisions, and 2 cupboards

There _____ 4 _____ on the sofa?

There _____ 3 telephones, but _____ isn’t a cooker.

Is there _____ garden?

_____ books _____ there under your desk? There _____ one

_____ there _____ desk? Yes, _____ is.

There are _____ sandwiches, but there _____ any chips

Is there _____ apple in the bag?

Yes, there are _____ chairs, but there are not _____ desks

How many _____ are there in the cupboard

_____ there many mice in the house? No, there _____ .

In our garden there is _____ huge pine tree, and there are _____

_____ any men in the hall?

There are _____ big cupboards in the kitchen

_____ there _____ chairs in the class?

Do you have any _____ ? No, I don’t. But I have _____ grammar books

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