Практика. Present Simple. Прийменник

Практика. Present Simple. Прийменник


Practice. Present Simple. Prepositions

I like _____

He hates _____ football _____ television

Where do you go _____ holiday?

He takes photos only _____ spring

He plays football _____ Friday mornings

They like _____ very much

She never _____ meat

She gets up early _____ the morning

She gets up early _____ the weekdays

Vancouver is very cold _____ winter

Do you relax _____ weekends?

What _____ he do at weekends?

Why _____ you want to learn English?

The train leaves Paris _____ 4 p.m.

My brother’s birthday is _____ March

We _____ Algerians

Where _____ they live?

Sometimes we _____ cards

Your score is


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