ELEMENTARY INTERMEDIATE PRE-INTERMEDIATE Практика Практика. Present simple та інші цікаві вправи Практика. Present simple та інші цікаві вправи 0% Practice. Present simple and other interesting exercises The Buckingham Palace _____ lots of rooms having has to have have What _____ your niece _____ ? A nurse does / do is / do do / do does / is Every year millions of people _____ The London Museum want come visit go Visitors _____ to India ‘s Independence Day from all over the world goes leave visit come My father _____ driving doesn’t likes don’t likes don’t like doesn’t like What _____ you _____ ? An architect does / do are / do do / do do / are She _____ a bus to university take always takes always always take always takes I _____ an accountant am do does is _____ Kate live near Jane? Do Does Is Are _____ does Margaret start work? At 7 in the morning. What sort What kind What time What about I _____ to a football match every Sunday but my father _____ goes / doesn’t goes / don’t go / doesn’t go / don’t Where _____ your parents _____ ? In the Ministry of Education work / * do / work are / work do / do A friend of mine likes _____ on picnic at weekends goes go to go going _____ he like his job? Are Does Is Do _____ languages do they speak? Just one Which What How many How _____ New York exciting? Are Do Is Does His father _____ , but Bill’s father _____ smoke smoke / don’t smokes / don’t smokes / isn’t smokes / doesn’t _____ do your brothers like working in this factory? Because they earn much money Whom When What Why Do you _____ Afghani? No, _____ . speaks / don’t speak speak / you don’t speak / I don’t speak / don’t I I _____ my teeth every morning brush brushes brushing to brush Many foreigners in our country _____ to the Golden Bazaar buy want go shopping come Your score is 0% Restart quiz Вивчаємо граматику – Present simple Post Navigation Previous Порядок слів у реченнях із фразовими дієсловамиNext Прочитай текст та встав пропущений прикметник