Практика. Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Perfect Passive

Практика. Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Perfect Passive


Practice. Present Perfect. Past Simple. Present Perfect Passive

Local police _____ the bank robber

They got acquainted with each other _____ last year.

I’ve not _____ been skiing, but I’d like to try it.

I can’t come out because I’ve _____ washed my hair

She’s going to be late because her plane _____.

I waited for you _____ hours

Hundreds of people _____ for the jobs.

He’s lived abroad _____ 1990

Have you _____ been to China?

I’m delighted because I’ve been _____ a pay rise.

They’re really angry because someone _____ their car.

She left university three years _____.

Don’t worry about phoning him because I’ve _____ done it.

I haven’t finished my lunch _____ .

I’ve been a journalist _____ two years.

The director’s children _____.

Four people _____ in a train crash.

Have you met our new teacher _____?

I was born _____ 1974.

He _____ to a senior designer

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