Практика. Before, after, until, when, as soon as. Prepositions

Preposition Quiz With Answers

Практика. Before, after, until, when, as soon as. Prepositions

Preposition Quiz With Answers

Practice. Before, after, until, when, as soon as. Prepositions

What’s _____ TV tonight?

I hate being late. I like to arrive _____ time

I’m going to bed when this TV program _____.

Is Mr. James _____ work this week? No. He’s _____ holiday.

Give me your phone number. Sure. I _____ it to you before I _____.

“Romeo and Juliet” is a play _____ William Shakespeare.

I’m very busy _____ the moment.

I’m coming to London tomorrow. I’ll ring you _____ I arrive

Give me your address _____ you go home

I’m going to have driving lessons _____ I pass my test

Wait here _____ I get back

_____ you have any problem, just ask for help

_____ it is a nice day tomorrow, we can go swimming

I will have a bath _____ I go to bed.

I want to get home _____ Jim comes back

Bye! I _____ you when I _____ home

I’m sorry you are leaving. I _____ when you _____.

I can’t understand the instructions. They’re _____ Chinese.

Do you come to school _____ bus?

I often go abroad _____ business

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