Практика. Present, Past, Future Tenses

Практика. Present, Past, Future Tenses


Practice. Present, Past, Future Tenses

How long _____ in America?

What time _____ home last night?

I _____ understand what you are saying

The weekend was boring. I _____ anything.

Pierre is French. He _____ from Toulouse.

Where _____ from?

Dave _____ a student with her work now

Last weekend I _____ some friends and we _____ a meal.

He’s married, but he ____ any children

_____ three languages: French, Spanish, and English

Many birds _____ south every winter.

Most of the students _____ these days.

It’s very noisy.  Suzy _____ to rock music.

At the weekend, I usually _____ go swimming

Enrique ____ cooking. He can make an excellent enchilada!

Do you want a cigarette? No, thanks. I _____ .

What _____ tonight?

You look nice, Anne. _____ a new dress?

How many sisters _____ ?

What _____ ? I don’t know. Look it up

Carol _____ hard for her exam last week

Where is George. He _____ a shower

His wife, Silvia, ____ in a primary school

_____ the computer at the moment?

I _____ English food. It’s wonderful!

I’m going to university next year. What _____ study?

Are you _____ the party?

Last year I _____ to America

Usually Jim _____ to work on Saturdays

Japan _____ many high mountains

Cats _____ very well in darkness

Enrique ____ in Puebla, a town in Mexico

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