What Vegetable are also known as a love apple, is red and juicy and is strictly speaking a fruit. is made into flakes for breakfast cereals, is yellow on the inside and covered with green leaves. are made into lanterns on Halloween and into pie on Thanksgiving? is famous for giving Popeye his strength? are loved by Bugs Bunny and are good for your eye. are used in Ukraine and Eastern Europe to make a famous red soup called Borsch? are made into chips in the U.K. and into French fries in the USA?Broad, runner, navy, soy, and lima are all varieties of is said to keep vampires away (and most other people too!). come is many colors and different strengths of hotness? Час вийшовЗалишити відповідьВаша e-mail адреса не оприлюднюватиметься. Обов’язкові поля позначені *Коментар *Ім'я * Email * Сайт