Gravity-Falls-Season-1-Episode-8 Who could you legally marry in Gravity Falls? With woodpeckers Dipper and Mabel Soos and Gideon Stan and Wendy Немає What does Maybez have instead of earrings? Candy nachos (chips) Stickers Buttons Немає What investigation do Dipl and Mabel want to do? Investigating the founder of Gravity Falls The mystery of the gnomes The mystery of the journals The mystery of the wax figures Немає What did Dipper want to do with the map? Find the author of the journals Find the Northwest mansion to burn Find the hidden treasure Немає Who helped get out of the box? Stan Wendy Soos Woodpecker Немає How many dollars did the children get? Ten Twelve Negative twelve Eleven Немає Час вийшовЗалишити відповідьВаша e-mail адреса не оприлюднюватиметься. Обов’язкові поля позначені *Коментар *Ім'я * Email * Сайт