Gravity-Falls-Season-1-Episode-7 What is the party for? get kids to spend money for charity for children birthday celebration Немає What will Dipper do with Wendy? organize a party to sell tickets they will dance Немає Why did Dipper make a plan? To ask Wendy to the dance Improve the party Cheer up your friends Немає Where does Dipper get his nickname? Because of his birthmark Because of his hair Because of his height Немає What did Pacifica do after the victory? She invited everyone to her parents' house She said that the crown is hers She invited everyone to her parents' boat Немає What was Mabel right about? to get in his own way He needs to rest He needs to be himself Немає Час вийшовЗалишити відповідьВаша e-mail адреса не оприлюднюватиметься. Обов’язкові поля позначені *Коментар *Ім'я * Email * Сайт