Практика. Займенники, Прислівники, Прикметники


Практика. Займенники, Прислівники, Прикметники


Practice. Pronouns, Adverbs, Adjectives

I can see a lot of ______ outside the building

The clerk is speaking to the women. He is talking to ______

Butterflies are ______ insects

All the ______ are following the man

This is not my bicycle. It is my ______ bicycle

We are late. The teacher will get angry with ______

Cats can wash ______ paws and fur

Can you see those boys and ______ father?

There is some milk. I’d like to drink ______

My father is ______ engineer

I haven’t got the keys. Father has got ______

There are many ______ on the shelf

I’ll wait for you half ______ hour

There is a lot of ice in ______ refrigerator

Is a bee ______ insect?

He is Mrs. Taylor’s ______ husband

I can see Amanda. ______ is waiting for the New York plane.

Today ______ weather is very hot.

I haven’t got ______ paint

Terry is talking to two ______

Your score is


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