Вправи із Present Simpe, особовими займенниками та присвійними прикметниками

Практикуй Present Simpe, особові займенники та присвійні прикметники


Practice. Present Simple. Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives

_____ she _____ French?

A nurse looks _____ people in hospital

_____ a magazine

Get _____ the bus

She likes going _____ walks _____ summer

At ten we go _____ bed

He picks up the apples _____ the tree

There’s a letter _____ you

She _____ _____ from America

Tourists come _____ boat

_____ the phone

She _____ a white coat

Our teacher gives _____ a lot of homework

He speaks to people _____ his radio

_____ he _____ three children?

She lives _____ Switzerland

_____ a shower

He _____ television every evening

He drives the children _____ school

Every time he _____ a glass of lemonade before breakfast

Your score is


Для проходження практики вивчай або повторюй Present Simpe, особові займенники та присвійні прикметники


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