Прочитай текст та встав пропущені слова (to be)

Прочитай текст та встав пропущені слова (to be)

Можливі слова: am, is, are

Fill in the missing words

  1. I very happy today.
  2. She a student.
  3. They playing soccer in the park.
  4. The weather nice outside.
  5. The children doing their homework.
  6. He working on a new project.
  7. We going to the cinema tonight.
  8. The cat sleeping on the couch.
  9. You the best person for the job.
  10. The books on the shelf.

Вивчаємо граматику – Дієслово To be

Зіграй у гру із словами am, is, are (to be)

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