Практика. Ступені порівняння в англійській мові

Comparative and superlative adjectives

Практика. Ступені порівняння в англійській мові

Comparative and superlative adjectives

Practice. Comparatives and superlatives. Have got, has got. Part 1

A country is quieter _____ a city.

How many children _____ they _____?

Our school ____ a library, but it doesn’t ____ any computers

Paris is _____ Madrid.

Prague is one of the _____ cities in Europe

She came _____ the garage

He jumped _____ the lake.

A country is _____ than a city

You are _____ me.

New York is _____ Paris

Madrid is much _____.

Your class is _____ than my class

Brain’s car is _____ in our district

The house is 50 meters _____ the sea.

He walked _____ the hill.

London _____ got a lot of parks

A city is _____ than the country.

Life in a country is _____ in a city.

Why did you leave London? You had a _____ job

He spends his time _____ the banks of the river.

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Ознайомся із теорією – Ступені порівняння прикметників (Degrees of comparison)

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