Medical vocabulary in English

Medical vocabulary in English: Expanding our vocabulary
Learning English in today’s world is an important skill for medical professionals, as it allows for effective communication and communication with patients, colleagues and partners around the world. One of the key aspects of language learning is acquiring the necessary medical vocabulary that will help medical professionals confidently and accurately express their opinions and recommendations.
How to learn medical vocabulary in English?
- Dictionaries and Terminology Resources: Use specialized dictionaries and glossaries of medical terminology.
- Reading Medical Texts: Study medical articles, publications and scientific research in English.
- Communication and Practice: Practice communicating in English with colleagues and patients to improve your medical discussion skills.
- Training courses and webinars: Take part in specialized courses or webinars with medical topics in English.
TOP 20 terms of medical vocabulary in English
- Diagnosis: Determination of a patient’s disease or condition based on clinical signs and additional examinations.
- Symptom: A symptom of a disease or disorder experienced by the patient.
- Treatment: Methods and means used to improve the patient’s health.
- Prescription: A medical drug that a doctor prescribes to a patient for treatment.
- Patient history: Information about previous illnesses, allergies, and other factors that may affect the patient’s current condition.
- Surgery: A medical procedure in which an intervention is made in the patient’s body for diagnosis or treatment.
- Rehabilitation: The process of restoring physical or psychological function after an illness or injury.
- Medication: Medicines prescribed for the treatment and improvement of the patient’s condition.
- Doctor: A qualified medical professional who provides medical care to patients.
- Nurse: A medical professional who provides care and support to patients during treatment.
- Hospital: An institution that provides medical care and treatment to patients.
- Emergency: Medical care that is provided immediately in a life-threatening situation.
- Allergy: A negative reaction of the body to certain substances, food or the environment.
- Vaccine: A drug that stimulates the immune system to protect against disease.
- Laboratory: A place where medical research and tests are conducted.
- X-ray: A type of examination that uses X-rays to produce images of internal organs.
- Blood pressure: A measure of the force with which blood circulates through blood vessels.
- Disease: A deviation from the normal functioning of the body that leads to ailments.
- Infection: Invasion of harmful microorganisms into the body, which can lead to disease.
- Pain: An unpleasant feeling that reflects a disturbance in the body and can be a signal of illness.
Transcription table of the TOP 20 most popular medical terms
Term | Transcription |
Diagnosis | daɪəɡˈnoʊsɪs |
Symptom | ˈsɪmptəm |
Treatment | ˈtriːtmənt |
Prescription | prɪˈskrɪpʃən |
Patient history | ˈpeɪʃənt ˈhɪstəri |
Surgery | ˈsɜːrdʒəri |
Rehabilitation | ˌriːəˌbɪlɪˈteɪʃən |
Medication | ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃən |
Doctor | ˈdɑːktər |
Nurse | nɜːrs |
Hospital | ˈhɑːspɪtl |
Emergency | ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsɪ |
Allergy | ˈælərdʒi |
Vaccine | vækˈsiːn |
Laboratory | ləˈbɔːrəˌtɔːri |
X-ray | ˈɛks reɪ |
Blood pressure | blʌd ˈprɛʃər |
Disease | dɪˈziːz |
Infection | ɪnˈfɛkʃən |
Pain | peɪn |
Practice the TOP 20 medical vocabulary terms in English
TOP 20 phrases for communication in medicine
- Hello, I am a doctor/nurse. How can I help you today?
- What seems to be the problem?
- Can you describe your symptoms to me?
- How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?
- Have you had any medical conditions in the past?
- Are you currently taking any medications?
- Do you have any allergies to medications or substances?
- Have you had any recent surgeries or medical procedures?
- I’m going to examine you now. Please lie down and relax.
- We might need to run some tests to determine the cause of your symptoms.
- Based on the tests, we will develop a treatment plan for you.
- Your blood pressure and heart rate are within normal range.
- I’m going to prescribe a medication to help alleviate your symptoms.
- Make sure to take the medication as directed and follow up with us in a week.
- If your condition worsens or if you experience any side effects, please contact us immediately.
- We will need to schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor your progress.
- It’s important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to support your recovery.
- Are you experiencing any pain or discomfort? On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate it?
- We will need to take a blood sample for further analysis. Н
- Thank you for coming in. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask.
Studying medical vocabulary in English is a necessary element of the professional growth of medical specialists. Possession of this skill helps to improve the quality of communication with patients, interaction with colleagues and to exchange experiences with medical specialists from all over the world.