Bathroom Vocabulary: Words and Practice

Everything about the bathroom in English: Your guide to daily hygiene

Whether you’re learning English or just expanding your vocabulary, having a good command of basic bathroom words is crucial to communicating effectively in everyday situations. In this article, we will consider a list of words related to the bathroom, as well as their meaning, examples of usage, and Ukrainian translation. At the end, you will be able to test your knowledge based on the prepared test.

Towel and Flannel: The Basics of Hygiene

Towel and flannel are two fundamental items found in every bathroom. A towel is a piece of cloth used for drying after washing or bathing. Similarly, a flannel is a cloth used for washing oneself. For instance:

  • After a refreshing shower, I reached for a soft towel to dry off

Personal Care and Grooming

Maintaining personal hygiene is essential, and the bathroom is the hub for personal care items. Soap  is used for cleansing, while a toothbrush keeps your teeth clean.

  • Using soap, I washed my hands thoroughly
  • Don’t forget to replace your toothbrush every three months

Getting Ready and Styling

The bathroom is also where you prepare and style yourself. Razor is essential for a clean shave, and a comb helps you manage your hair.

  • He used a razor to groom his beard.
  • I always carry a comb to keep my hair neat

Relaxation and Self-Care

The bathroom isn’t just for basic hygiene; it’s also a place for relaxation and self-care. Bathtub provides a space for a soothing soak, and shampoo keeps your hair clean and fresh.

  • After a long day, I enjoy unwinding in a warm bathtub
  • Using a quality shampoo, I ensure my hair stays healthy

The most popular vocabulary for the bathroom

  1. Towel: A piece of cloth used for drying something.
  2. Flannel: A piece of cloth you use in the bathroom to wash yourself.
  3. Scales: Devices used to measure weight; in the context, used by the friend to know how much he weighs.
  4. Soap: A substance that you use to wash yourself with.
  5. Toothbrush: A brush for cleaning your teeth.
  6. Razor: A sharp instrument for removing hair, especially from a man’s face.
  7. Shampoo: Liquid soap used for washing your hair.
  8. Shower: A thing that you stand under to wash your whole body.
  9. Towel-rail: A bar that you use to hang towels and other things on.
  10. Comb: A piece of plastic or metal that you use to make your hair tidy.
  11. Bathtub: A long, large container that you fill with water to sit in and wash yourself.
  12. Bathroom: A room where you can have a shower and perform personal hygiene tasks.
  13. Sink: The thing in a bathroom or kitchen where you wash your hands, face, etc.
  14. Toilet paper: Paper used for hygiene purposes in the bathroom.
  15. Tiles: The material (usually ceramic) used to cover the floor and walls of a bathroom.
  16. Hairbrush: A brush used for grooming and styling hair.
  17. Toothpaste: A substance used for cleaning teeth.
  18. Scissors: Cutting instruments used for various purposes.
  19. Shaving-foam: A foam used for shaving to soften hair and protect the skin.
  20. Carpets: Floor coverings made of woven or tufted fabric.
  21. Nail cleaner: A tool used for cleaning nails.
  22. Nail brush: A brush that is used for cleaning nails.

Table with popular vocabulary words for the bathroom

WordTranscriptionExample sentence
TowelˈtaʊəlI need a clean towel.
FlannelˈflænəlShe uses a flannel for washing.
ScalesskeɪlzThe scales show my weight.
SoapsoʊpPlease pass me the soap.
ToothbrushˈtuːθbrʌʃDon’t forget your toothbrush.
RazorˈreɪzərHe uses a razor to shave.
ShampooʃæmˈpuːI need to buy shampoo.
ShowerˈʃaʊərI take a shower every morning.
Towel-railˈtaʊəl reɪlHang the wet towel on the towel-rail.
CombkoʊmShe used a comb to style her hair.
BathtubˈbæθtʌbI love relaxing in the bathtub.
BathroomˈbæθrumThe bathroom needs cleaning.
SinksɪŋkThe sink is clogged.
Toilet paperˈtɔɪlɪt ˈpeɪpərCan you hand me the toilet paper?
TilestaɪlzThe bathroom tiles are blue.
HairbrushˈhɛrbrʌʃShe used a hairbrush to detangle her hair.
ToothpasteˈtuːθpeɪstDon’t forget to brush with toothpaste.
ScissorsˈsɪzərzI need a pair of scissors.
Shaving-foamˈʃeɪvɪŋ foʊmHe applied shaving foam before shaving.
Toilet brushˈtɔɪlɪt brʌʃI used a toilet brush to clean the toilet bowl
CarpetsˈkɑrpɪtsThe bathroom has soft carpets.
Nail cleanerneɪl ˈkliːnərShe used a nail cleaner to tidy her nails.
Nail brushneɪl brʌʃUse a nail brush to clean your nails.

Knowledge test: all about the bathroom


Practice. Bathroom: vocabulary exercises

The floor and walls of bathroom is covered by ______.

______ is a thing that you stand under to wash your whole body

______ is a bar that you use to hang things on

______ is a brush for cleaning your teeth

______ is a piece of cloth you use in bathroom to wash yourself

My friend weighs 120 kilograms, and he has ______ which help him to know how much he weighs

______ is a piece of plastic or metal that you use to make your hair tidy.

______ is a brush that is used for cleaning your nails

______ is a substance that you use to wash yourself with

______ is a sharp instrument for removing hair, especially from a man’s face

______ is liquid soap used for washing your hair

______ is a long large container that you fill with water to sit in and wash yourself.

______ is the thing in a bathroom or kitchen, where you wash you hands, face etc

______ is a room where you can have a shower

______ is a piece of cloth used for drying something

Your score is


Having a solid understanding of bathroom-related vocabulary is essential for effective communication in English. From towels and soap to razors and shampoo, these words play a crucial role in daily life. By mastering this vocabulary, you’ll feel confident discussing personal care routines, grooming habits, and even relaxation techniques. Whether you’re a language learner or simply looking to expand your vocabulary, this guide will help you navigate the world of bathroom essentials with ease.

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