Compound sentence in English grammar

Compound sentence
In English, a compound sentence consists of two or more equivalent parts. Unlike a complex sentence, a compound sentence consists of independent simple sentences that can exist separately from each other without losing the meaning of the statement.
Complex sentences can be joined using: and, but, yet, or, either … or, etc.
- I was pressed for time because of my exams, yet I decided to accept his invitation
- We can stay at home and watch TV, or you can go to the cinema alone
Complex sentences can also be joined without additional words:
- Му friends are understanding and sympathetic people; they are always ready to help
- Clouds overcast the sky, it looks like raining
Methods of combining complex sentences
Copulative coordination
Conjunctions use the conjunctions and, nor, neither … nor, not only … but, etc.
- We went to school and had three lessons there
Disjunctive coordination
It is formed using the conjunctions or, else, or else, either … or and the adverb otherwise
- Remember the map or you’ll get lost in the city
Adversative coordination
With the help of conjunctions but, yet, while, whereas, and adverbs nevertheless, still
- We waited for Mike, but he didn’t call us
Causative-consecutive coordination
It is formed using the conjunctions for, so and the adverb therefore, accordingly, consequently, hence
- The birds were singing, the sun was shining