All about the weather in English and test your knowledge

Weather Vocabulary in English

How to describe the weather in English

Weather is always one of those topics that interest us in our everyday life. Whether you’re planning a trip or just want to know what to dress for tomorrow, knowing English terms related to the weather is extremely useful. Let’s look at frequent weather conditions in English.

Sunny Weather

Sunny (ˈsʌni) – having bright sunlight; clear skies

  • The sun is shining. It is sunny.

When the sky is clear, and the sun is shining, we can say it’s sunny.

Rainy Weather

Raining (ˈreɪnɪŋ) – precipitation in the form of water droplets falling from clouds

  • Small drops of water fall from clouds in the sky. It is raining. (Tiny water droplets are falling from the clouds in the sky. It is raining.)

When drops of water fall from the sky, it means it’s raining.

Stormy Weather

Thunderstorm (ˈθʌndərstɔrm) – a weather condition characterized by thunder, lightning, heavy rain, and strong winds

  • The storm with lightning is a thunderstorm. (A weather condition with lightning is called a thunderstorm.) Thunder (ˈθʌndər) – the loud sound that follows a flash of lightning

Thunder often accompanies a thunderstorm, along with lightning (a sudden flash of light in the sky).


Rainbow (ˈreɪnboʊ) – a meteorological phenomenon that is a large, circular arc of different colors in the sky, caused by the refraction, dispersion, and reflection of sunlight in water droplets

  • A rainbow is a large curve of different colors in the sky that is caused by the sun shining through rain.

Other Terms

Foggy (ˈfɔɡi) – weather characterized by thick fog, reducing visibility

  • There is a thick cloudy air near ground, which is difficult to see through. It is foggy.

Cloudy (ˈklaʊdi) – weather characterized by a sky covered with clouds

  • Cloudy weather is dark or grey because the sky is full of clouds.

Misty (ˈmɪsti) – weather with visibility reduced by fine water droplets suspended in the air

  • There is a layer of cloud close to the ground that makes it difficult to see very far. It is misty.

Snow (snoʊ) – atmospheric precipitation in the form of white ice crystals, frozen from water vapor

  • Snow is soft white pieces of frozen water that fall like rain in cold weather.

Dull (dʌl) – lacking brightness or shine

  • When it is dull, it is not bright or shiny.

Windy (ˈwɪndi) – characterized by strong winds or a significant amount of wind

  • It is windy today.

Clear (klɪr) – having no clouds or obstacles; unobstructed

  • The sky is clear and blue.

Seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn


Winter (ˈwɪntər) – the coldest season of the year, occurring between autumn and spring, typically characterized by cold temperatures, shorter daylight hours, and the possibility of snow and ice.

  • The season which includes December, January, February is winter.


Spring (sprɪŋ) – the season between winter and summer, characterized by the blossoming of flowers and the return of warmer weather.

  • The season which includes March, April, May is spring.

In spring, nature awakens from its winter slumber, and you can see flowers blooming, trees budding, and the weather becoming milder.


Summer (ˈsʌmər) – the warmest season of the year, occurring between spring and autumn, characterized by longer daylight hours and higher temperatures.

  • The season which includes June, July, August is summer.

Summer is the perfect time for outdoor activities, vacations, and enjoying the sun. Days are long, and the weather is typically hot.


Autumn (ˈɔtəm) – the season between summer and winter, characterized by falling leaves, cooler temperatures, and shorter daylight hours; also known as “fall.”

  • The season which includes September, October, November is autumn.

Autumn is a transitional season when leaves change color and fall from trees. It’s a time of cozy sweaters, pumpkin spice, and harvest festivals.

Now that you are familiar with these basic terms, you will be better able to understand weather forecasts and communicate about the weather in English. Before starting the test, familiarize yourself with the key words about weather in English that you can find in the questions and answers of the test.

Table with popular words about weather in English

WordTranscriptionExample sentence
sunnyˈsʌniThe sun is shining. It is sunny.
rainingˈreɪnɪŋSmall drops of water fall from clouds in the sky. It is raining.
thunderˈθʌndərThe storm with lightning is a thunderstorm.
rainbowˈreɪnboʊA rainbow is a large curve of different colors in the sky that is caused by the sun shining through rain.
brightbraɪtIt is shining strongly and full of light. It is bright.
winterˈwɪntərThe season which includes December, January, February is winter.
springsprɪŋThe season which includes March, April, May is spring.
summerˈsʌmərThe season which includes June, July, August is summer.
autumnˈɔtəmThe season which includes September, October, November is autumn.
foggyˈfɔɡiThere is a thick cloudy air near the ground, which is difficult to see through. It is foggy.
cloudyˈklaʊdiCloudy weather is dark or grey because the sky is full of clouds.
mistyˈmɪstiThere is a layer of cloud close to the ground that makes it difficult to see very far. It is misty.
snowsnoʊSnow is soft white pieces of frozen water that fall like rain in cold weather.
dulldʌlWhen it is dull, it is not bright or shiny.
windyˈwɪndiIt is windy today.
clearklɪrThe sky is clear and blue.
snowingˈsnoʊɪŋIt is snowing heavily outside.
stormyˈstɔrmiThe weather is stormy with strong winds and heavy rain.
windwɪndThe wind is blowing strongly today.
thunderstormˈθʌndərstɔrmA thunderstorm is a storm with lightning and thunder.
lightningˈlaɪtnɪŋLightning is a sudden flash of light in the sky during a storm.
stormstɔrmThe ship faced a severe storm in the open sea.

Exercise (test) in English on the topic: weather

Interrupt your knowledge in practice, based on the material studied above.

Weather Vocabulary in English

Practice. Weather Vocabulary in English

There is a thick cloudy air near ground, which is difficult to see through. It is ______.

In ______, it snows a lot

The season which includes September, October, November is ______.

There is a layer of cloud close to ground that makes it difficult to see very far. It is ______.

______ is soft white pieces of frozen water that fall like rain in cold weather.

The season which includes June, July, August is ______.

It is shining strongly and full of light. It is ______.

The storm with lightning is ______ storm

The season which includes March, April, May is ______.

______ weather is dark or grey because the sky is full of clouds

The season which includes December, January, February is ______.

The sun is shining. It is ______.

______ is a large curve of different colors in the sky that is caused by the sun shining through rain.

When it is ______, it is not bright or shiny

Small drops of water fall from clouds in the sky. It is ______.

Your score is


Learn more words about weather in the article “Weather – words in English”, and learn phrases and words about the weather in the article “Weather forecast”

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