Prepositions in the English: Rules, Examples, Quiz

Prepositions - at, in, on - Test

Prepositions in the English language: Rules of use and examples

Prepositions are an important part of the English language and are used to express relationships between different objects and places. They help us understand how objects or ideas are related to each other. In this article, we will look at the main prepositions, examples of their use, and offer to test your knowledge with 20 test questions at the end.

Prepositions of Place

In: The preposition “in” is used when something is located inside an object or place. Examples:

  • The book is in the bag.
  • The keys are in the drawer.

On: The preposition “on” indicates that something is situated on the surface of another object. Examples:

  • The cup is on the table.
  • There’s a cat on the roof.

At: The preposition “at” is used to specify a precise location or address. Examples:

  • I’ll meet you at the park.
  • The party is at Sarah’s house.

By: The preposition “by” indicates proximity to something or someone. Examples:

  • The car is by the house.
  • I like to sit by the window.

Between: The preposition “between” points out a location between two objects. Examples:

  • The cat is between the two chairs.
  • The store is between the bank and the post office.

Under: The preposition “under” is used to indicate a location beneath something. Examples:

  • The keys are under the book.
  • The dog is sleeping under the table.

Over: The preposition “over” points to a location above something. Examples:

  • The plane is flying over the mountains.
  • Hang the picture over the sofa.

Prepositions of Direction or Movement

To: The preposition “to” is used to indicate the direction of movement towards a place or object. Examples:

  • I’m going to the store.
  • She’s traveling to Paris.

From: The preposition “from” is used to show the origin of something or where an action took place. Examples:

  • I received a gift from my friend.
  • The train departs from the station.

Into: The preposition “into” is used to specify the entry or transition into the interior of something. Examples:

  • She walked into the room.
  • Don’t go into the water with your shoes on.

Along: The preposition “along” indicates movement along a certain line or path. Examples:

  • They walked along the riverbank.
  • The houses are lined up along the street.

Up: The preposition “up” signifies movement in an upward direction. Examples:

  • He climbed up the mountain.
  • The elevator is going up to the top floor.

Down: The preposition “down” indicates movement in a downward direction. Examples:

  • She ran down the stairs.
  • The ball rolled down the hill.

These prepositions of direction and movement are essential for describing the path and direction of various actions and activities in English.

Prepositions of Time

At : The preposition “at” is used with specific times (e.g., 10:00) or subjective periods of the day (e.g., at night). Examples:

  • I have a meeting at 3 PM.
  • She likes to read books at night.

In: The preposition “in” is used with months, years, periods of the day (except at night), and seasons. Examples:

  • We’ll go on vacation in the summer.
  • Christmas is in December.

On: The preposition “on” is used with dates and days of the week. Examples:

  • My birthday is on June 10th.
  • The meeting is scheduled on Monday.

By: The preposition “by” indicates proximity to something or someone. Examples:

  • The car is by the house.
  • I like to sit by the window.

Prepositions of Interaction

Between: The preposition “between” signifies interaction between two objects or entities. Examples:

  • The agreement was made between the two companies.
  • You must choose between option A and option B.

Among: The preposition “among” denotes interaction among three or more objects or entities. Examples:

  • She is sharing her toys among her friends.
  • The prize will be divided among the top three contestants.

Prepositions of Method

By: Used to indicate the method or means by which an action is performed.

  • The book was written by the author.
  • The painting was created by using watercolors.

With: Indicates the instrument, tool, or materials used to carry out an action.

  • She cut the paper with scissors.
  • He opened the door with a key.

Using: Also indicates the method, instrument, or means employed to perform an action.

  • She fixed the car using a wrench.
  • I painted the wall using a roller brush.

Through: Indicates the process that occurs by means of an action or method.

  • She succeeded through hard work and determination.
  • We communicated through email.

Via: Shows the path or method of communication, often in the context of the internet or telecommunications.

  • The message was sent via email.
  • We can book tickets via the website.

Prepositions of Cause

Because of : Used to indicate the cause or explanation for something.

  • She was late for work because of heavy traffic.
  • The event was canceled because of bad weather.

Due to: Similarly denotes the cause of something.

  • The delay was due to technical issues.
  • The success of the project was due to the hard work of the team.

Prepositions of Result

Because of: As mentioned earlier, “because of” can be used as a preposition of cause, as well as to explain results or consequences.

  • She was happy because of the good news.
  • The project failed because of a lack of funding.

Resulting in: Indicates the result or consequence of a particular action or event.

  • The heavy rain, resulting in flooding, caused damage to many homes.
  • His hard work, resulting in a promotion, paid off.

Practice for testing knowledge of prepositions in the English (test of 20 questions)

Preposition Quiz With Answers

Practice. Prepositions (Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate)

He shared his property _____ his daughter and his sister.

The toilet is straight____ that door, then___ the stairs on the left

Wreckage from the plane was scattered _____ a wide area

You can borrow my dictionary, but I must have it back _____ Monday.

He began his career twenty years ago_____ a doctor.

He makes reading-lamps _____ old wine bottles

This is the solution _____ all problems.

She got married _____ her childhood sweetheart.

The country is rich _____ natural resources.

I was in hospital _____ two weeks _____ the semester.

When I entered _____ the room everybody was speaking loudly.

The chairman is opposed _____ giving the affair any publicity.

I dreamt _____ you last night.

She was standing laughing _____ a crowd of fans.

She sighed _____ relief.

She always dresses _____ green.

Will you marry _____ me?

Sometimes I dream _____ running away to a farm.

Turkey has entered _____ a new trade agreement with Germany.

Let’s go _____ skiing next weekend.

Your score is


In this article, we considered an important aspect of the English language – the use of prepositions to express place, direction or movement, time, method, cause and effect, attitude, movement and interaction. Correct understanding and use of prepositions is the key to effective communication and grammatically correct expression in English.

Prepositions of place, such as “in,” “on,” “at,” “by,” “between,” “under,” and “over,” help us indicate where something is located or takes place. Prepositions of direction or motion, such as “to,” “from,” “into,” “along,” “up,” and “down,” help us describe the direction or motion of an object.

Prepositions of time, such as “at,” “in,” and “on,” allow us to specify the exact moment in time or period when something is happening. Prepositions of method, such as “by” and “with,” help us express how an action is performed.

Finally, prepositions of cause and effect, such as “because of” and “resulting in,” allow us to explain the causes or effects of certain events.

The correct use of these prepositions in English helps to avoid misunderstandings and promotes clear and logical expression of thoughts and ideas. Therefore, it is recommended to improve the knowledge of prepositions and practice their use in order to facilitate communication and improve language skills.

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