Understanding English Phrasal Verbs with ‘Stand’

Phrasal verbs with “Stand”
Phrasal verbs are an essential aspect of learning English as a second language. They can be challenging to grasp at first, but with practice and patience, they can be mastered. One of the most commonly used phrasal verbs in English is “stand” [stænd]. In this article, we will explore the different phrasal verbs that use the word “stand.” The verb stand is an irregular verb.
Infinitive | Past Simple | Past Participle |
to stand | stood | stood |
What are the phrasal verbs with “Stand”?
Let’s consider the most popular phrasal verbs with the verb – to Stand:
- Stand around – means to wait or loiter without a specific purpose. It can also imply wasting time or not being productive
- We stood around for hours waiting for the bus
- You can’t just stand around and expect things to happen
- Stand aside – means to move away from something or someone, especially to make way for someone else. It can also mean to refrain from interfering in a situation or to not get involved
- He asked me to stand aside so he could pass through the narrow doorway
- I decided to stand aside and let them work out their problems on their own
- Stand about – means to be idle or loiter, usually without a particular purpose. It can also mean to be scattered or dispersed in a disorganized manner
- The group of teenagers were just standing about outside the convenience store, looking bored
- The toys were just standing about the room, with no apparent order or arrangement
- Stand back – means to move or step away from something or someone in order to observe it from a distance or to gain perspective. It can also mean to withdraw or refrain from a situation, often to avoid getting involved in a conflict or to avoid getting hurt
- I had to stand back and admire the beauty of the landscape before me
- I had to stand back and watch as they argued, knowing that I couldn’t intervene without making things worse
- Stand between – means to be in the middle of a conflict or disagreement, trying to find a resolution. It can also mean to be a barrier or obstacle between two things or people
- I had to stand between my two friends and help them reconcile their differences
- The wall stands between our properties
- Stand in for – means to act or serve as a replacement for someone or something else. It can also mean to represent someone or something in a particular context
- The understudy had to stand in for the lead actor, who was sick
- This painting stands in for the artist’s views on society
- Since John is ill I’ll stand in for him tonight at work
- Stand up for – means to defend or support someone or something in the face of opposition or criticism. It can also mean to advocate for someone who is unable to do so themselves
- I will always stand up for my beliefs, even if they’re unpopular
- I stand up for the rights of animals who cannot speak for themselves
- His father blamed him, but his mother stood up for him and said that he had acted sensibly
- Stand up to – means to resist or confront someone or something, often in a courageous or determined way. It can also mean to be strong or resilient in the face of adversity
- She had to stand up to her boss and demand a fair salary
- He stood up to the challenges of his illness and fought it with all his might
- Stand up – means to rise to a standing position from a seated or lying position. It can also mean to stand for something
- I stand up for what I believe in
- Stand up and come over here
- Stand by – is used when someone is waiting for something to happen or to provide support. It can also mean to be ready to help or support someone when needed.
- I will stand by you during this difficult time
- No matter what happens I’ll stand by you, so don’t be afraid
- The army was standing by in case war broke out
- Stand out – means to be easily noticeable or different from others. This phrasal verb can be used to describe people, objects, or even ideas that are unique.
- Her red dress really makes her stand out in a sea of black suits
- Morrison stands out as the most experienced candidate
- Stand for – can be used in different ways. It can mean to represent something. it can mean to endure something
- The letter ‘B’ stands for ‘bravo’ in the NATO alphabet
- Do you know what UFO stand for?
- I won’t stand for bullying in my classroom
- We won’t stand for his rude behaviour any longer
- She stood for hours in line waiting for tickets to the concert
- Mr Pitt stood for Parliament five years ago but he wasn’t elected
- Stand off – means to keep a distance or remain separate from something or someone. It can also mean to confront or face a challenge
- The two countries have been in a stand-off for months, refusing to communicate
- The athlete stood off his competitors and won the race
- Stand down – means to withdraw or step back from a position or situation. It can also mean to relax or calm down
- The military stood down after the crisis was averted
- I need to stand down and take a break from work for a while
In conclusion, understanding phrasal verbs is an essential part of mastering the English language. The phrasal verbs that use the word “stand” can be used in a variety of situations and contexts. By learning and practicing these phrasal verbs, English learners can communicate more effectively and confidently in both spoken and written English.
Video – 13 Phrasal Verbs with STAND: stand by, stand out, stand down…