Phrasal Verbs with pass in English

Pass [pɑːs] – this word is most often used in the English as a verb and it can also be used as a noun.
Consider the verb pass as a phrasal verb, and examples of the most frequent uses:
- pass around
- Can you pass these pictures around for everyone to look at, please?
- pass away
- I’m sorry to hear that your favourite uncle passed away last week.
- pass by
- The procession passed right by my front door
- She feels that life is passing her by
- pass for
- We had some wine — or what passes for wine in that area
- pass into
- Many foreign words have passed into the English language
- pass off
- He passed himself off as a doctor
- pass on
- OK, I’ll pass the message on to Ms Chen
- One catches the virus and they pass it on to the rest
- pass out
- He passed out from the fumes and it took them some time to bring him round
- pass over
- He was passed over in favour of a younger man
- pass through
- We were passing through, so we thought we’d come and say hello
- pass up
- You’d be crazy to pass up such an opportunity
- pass to
- This restaurant will pass to his son when he dies.