Phrasal verbs with “pair” in English

What does "pair" mean in English?

What does “Pair” mean in English?

The word “pair” can function as a noun, adjective, and verb in English, carrying various meanings depending on the context. Generally, it refers to two items or people that are usually seen or used together, and it can also indicate two people working together or having a special relationship. Additionally, “pair” is often part of phrasal verbs, adding nuance and expressiveness to the language.

Using “pair” as a noun

Pair as a noun refers to two items or two people considered together.


  • Pair of shoes: I need a new pair of shoes for the party.
  • Pair of socks: She bought a colorful pair of socks.

Using “pair” as an adjective

Pair as an adjective describes items or people acting together or considered as one entity.


  • Pair programming: Pair programming is an effective software development technique.
  • Pair work: The teacher encouraged pair work in the classroom.

Using “pair” as a verb

Pair as a verb means to join or combine something or someone into pairs.


  • Pair up: We need to pair up to complete this project.
  • Pair with: She decided to pair with a local artist for her new exhibition.

Popular phrasal verbs with “Pair”

Pair Off

Pair off means “to form pairs” or “to pair up.”


  • The teacher asked the students to pair off for the group activity.
  • They paired off and danced together at the party.

Pair Up

Pair up means “to join together in pairs” or “to collaborate.”


  • We need to pair up to complete this project.
  • Can you pair up with John for this assignment?

Pair With

Pair with is used when talking about joining with someone or something to achieve a goal.


  • She decided to pair with a local artist for her new exhibition.
  • This wine pairs well with cheese.

Pair Off With

Pair off with means “to start a relationship with someone” or “to join someone as a pair.”


  • Tom paired off with Lisa at the party.
  • They often pair off with their friends during group activities.

Interesting and popular phrases with “Pair”

In addition to phrasal verbs, there are many interesting and popular phrases using “pair” that are common in everyday life.

A Perfect Pair

A perfect pair refers to “an ideal match.” This phrase is used when two people or items fit together perfectly.


  • They are a perfect pair; they complement each other in every way.
  • These shoes and this dress make a perfect pair.

Pair of Shoes

Pair of shoes is one of the most common uses of the word “pair.”


  • I need a new pair of shoes for the party.
  • He bought a pair of running shoes.

Pair of Pants

Pair of pants refers to “a pair of trousers.” Like shoes, this phrase is used to describe clothing.


  • She tried on several pairs of pants before choosing one.
  • I have a favorite pair of jeans that I wear all the time.

Pair of Eyes

Pair of eyes often has a metaphorical meaning, referring to someone providing a fresh perspective.


  • It’s always good to have a fresh pair of eyes to look over your work.
  • Her beautiful pair of eyes captivated everyone in the room.

Pair of Hands

Pair of hands can describe help or support.


  • We need an extra pair of hands to finish this task.
  • His strong pair of hands helped move the heavy furniture.

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