What are vegetables? List of vegetables

Vegetables of English in practice
Vegetables are the edible parts of plants, usually raw or cooked. is a broad class of plants that includes various parts of plants that are used as food. They are an important component of healthy food and diet of people all over the world. Here are some basic categories of vegetables:
- Leafy vegetables: They include plants such as spinach, lettuce, arugula, and so on. These vegetables are often consumed fresh in salads or dishes.
- Root vegetables: This category includes carrots, beets, onions, and others. These plants grow underground, and the main part we consume is located in the soil.
- Fruit vegetables: They originate from the flowers of plants, such as tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, eggplants. Although they are typically classified as vegetables, botanically they are fruits.
- Stem vegetables: This category includes artichokes, celery, and asparagus. Although they can have different forms, the main edible part usually grows on the stem or stalk.
- Bulb vegetables: These are vegetables that include onion, garlic, shallots. They are used to add flavor and aroma to dishes.
Some interesting facts about vegetables:
- Carrots were originally purple rather than orange
- Potatoes were the first vegetable to be grown in space
- Tomatoes are actually a fruit, not a vegetable
- Corn is actually a type of grass
- Beets were historically used as a natural dye.
Let’s get acquainted with popular vegetables and do an exercise to consolidate knowledge.
List of popular vegetables
Beans /biːnz/
- Meaning: Beans refer to any of various long, green, seed-filled pods of certain leguminous plants, such as the common bean or green bean. They can also refer to the seeds or pods themselves, which are consumed both fresh and dried.
- Example: “For dinner, we’re having a salad mixed with black beans and corn.”
Beet Roots /biːt ruːts/
- Meaning: Beet roots, commonly known simply as beets in American English, are the edible, typically dark red, bulbous roots of a beet plant. They are known for their earthy taste and are used in numerous dishes around the world.
- Example: “I’ve added some diced beet roots to the soup for added flavor and color.”
Carrots /ˈkærəts/
- Meaning: Carrots are a root vegetable, typically orange in color, though purple, black, red, white, and yellow varieties exist. They are crunchy when fresh and are used in various culinary contexts.
- Example: “Carrots are a great source of vitamin A and perfect for snacking.”
Corn /kɔːrn/
- Meaning: In most of the world, “corn” refers to what is known in the United States as “maize,” the large grain plant first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern Mexico. The term can also refer to the kernels themselves, which are a common food item.
- Example: “We’ll need to husk the corn before we can grill it.”
Garlic /ˈɡɑːrlɪk/
- Meaning: Garlic is a strong-smelling, pungent-tasting bulb, used as a flavoring in cooking and in herbal medicine. Each bulb is made up of several segments called cloves.
- Example: “A little garlic can greatly enhance the taste of pasta sauces.”
Peppers /ˈpɛpərz/
- Meaning: Peppers can refer to any of a number of spicy, capsicum fruits, ranging from mild to hot, or to bell peppers, which are sweet rather than spicy. They come in various colors, including green, red, yellow, and orange.
- Example: “I’m adding both red and green peppers to the stir-fry for a bit of color.”
Potatoes /pəˈteɪtoʊz/
- Meaning: Potatoes are tuberous crops from the perennial nightshade Solanum tuberosum. They are a staple food in many parts of the world and can be prepared in countless ways.
- Example: “Mash the boiled potatoes while they’re still hot.”
Pumpkins /ˈpʌmpkɪnz/
- Meaning: A pumpkin is a large, round, orange-yellow fruit with a thick rind, which is often carved for Halloween and used as a pie filling in North America.
- Example: “In autumn, pumpkin spice flavor becomes popular in various desserts and drinks.”
Spinach /ˈspɪnɪtʃ/
- Meaning: Spinach is a leafy green vegetable, which is rich in iron and vitamins. It can be eaten fresh or cooked and is used in a wide range of dishes, from salads to pastas.
- Example: “Spinach is a versatile vegetable that works well in salads and as a cooked side dish.”
Tomatoes /təˈmeɪtoʊz/
- Meaning: Tomatoes are a red or yellowish fruit with a juicy pulp, used as a vegetable in cooking. Despite technically being a fruit, tomatoes are commonly classified as a vegetable due to their culinary uses.
- Example: “Fresh tomatoes can really brighten up a summer salad.”
Exercise – What Vegetable?
Read the sentences and fill in the blank with one of the words: Beans, Beet roots, Carrots, Corn, Garlic, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Spinach, Tomatoes