Read and fill in the gaps in the English text

Filling in the gaps in the English text
Learning languages is like putting together complex puzzles. When you are given a text with blanks, you must skillfully choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. This is not only a test of your vocabulary, but also an understanding of grammar and context.
Filling in the gaps in a text is not just about choosing the right words. It’s about being able to understand how words interact with each other and how they complement the context. This exercise will help you improve your skills in using words in appropriate situations.
Tips for Successfully Completing Fill-in-the-Blank Exercises
Regardless of whether you are preparing for a language exam or simply improving your language skills, it is important to understand the proper use of words in various situations. Below are some tips that can help you in this process:
- Use words in context.
- To choose the right word, consider the context in which it is used. For example, “insensible” may indicate a lack of reaction to stimuli, while “insensitive” may relate to a careless attitude towards others.
- Consider grammatical variations.
- Distinguish the forms of words in different tenses and modes. For instance, “will sit” is future tense, while “have sat” is a past participle.
- Pay attention to nuances of meaning.
- Remember synonyms and antonyms. For example, “inadequate” indicates insufficiency, whereas “misguided” suggests the wrong direction of something.
- Check spelling and transcription.
- Ensure that you are using words correctly and know their pronunciation. For instance, “illegible” means unreadable, while “illogical” refers to lack of logic.
- Consider contextual properties.
- Understand how words can vary in different situations. For example, “informed” may indicate knowledge, while “ill-informed” denotes insufficient education.
Let these tips be your allies in preparing for the exercise. Remember that using words is not just a skill but also an art that you refine over time.
List of Words for the Exercise
Let’s review the list of words with transcriptions that may be used in the exercise:
- insensible / insensitive
- insensible (ɪnˈsɛnsəbl) – not sensitive or responsive to something
- insensitive (ɪnˈsɛnsɪtɪv) – not sensitive to the feelings of others
- much / far / long / soon
- much (mʌʧ) – in large quantities
- far (fɑr) – at a great distance
- long (lɔŋ) – for an extended period
- soon (sun) – in a short time
- unhappy / inaccurate / incorrect / unsuccessful
- unhappy (ʌnˈhæpi) – sad or dissatisfied
- inaccurate (ɪnˈækjərɪt) – not precise or correct
- incorrect (ɪnˈkərɛkt) – wrong or inaccurate
- unsuccessful (ˌʌnsəkˈsɛsfl̩) – without success
- inadequate / misguided / illegible / misunderstood
- inadequate (ɪnˈædɪkwət) – insufficient or not enough
- misguided (ˌmaɪsˈɡaɪdɪd) – directed or informed wrongly
- illegible (ɪˈlɛdʒəbl̩) – not clear or readable
- misunderstood (ˌmɪsʌndərˈstʊd) – not correctly interpreted
- ill-informed / informed / mal-informed
- ill-informed (ɪl ɪnˈfɔrmd) – poorly informed
- informed (ɪnˈfɔrmd) – having knowledge
- mal-informed (ˌmæl ɪnˈfɔrmd) – poorly informed
- will sit / would sit / have sat / sit
- will sit (wɪl sɪt) – will be seated or take an exam
- would sit (wʊd sɪt) – would be seated
- have sat (hæv sæt) – have been seated (in the past)
- sit (sɪt) – to be seated
- improbably / impossible / unlikely / unlucky
- improbably (ɪmˈprɒbəbli) – in a way that is unlikely to happen
- impossible (ɪmˈpɒsəbl̩) – not possible
- unlikely (ʌnˈlaɪkli) – not likely to happen
- unlucky (ʌnˈlʌki) – having bad luck
- irrelevant / illiterate / indirect / illogical
- irrelevant (ɪˈrɛlɪvənt) – not connected to the matter at hand
- illiterate (ɪˈlɪtərət) – unable to read and write
- indirect (ɪnˈdɪrɛkt) – not straightforward
- illogical (ɪˈlɒdʒɪkəl) – lacking in logic
- quickly / immediately / fast / soon
- quickly (ˈkwɪkli) – at a fast pace
- immediately (ɪˈmiːdiətli) – without delay
- fast (fæst) – moving at a high speed
- soon (suːn) – in a short amount of time
- after / afterwards / later / slower
- after (ˈæftər) – following in time
- afterwards (ˈæftərwərdz) – following that
- later (ˈleɪtər) – at a subsequent time
- slower (ˈsloʊər) – at a reduced speed
- will / would / should / have
- will (wɪl) – expressing future tense
- would (wʊd) – expressing the past tense of “will”
- should (ʃʊd) – expressing obligation or expectation
- have (hæv) – expressing possession or action in the past
- was / were / be / is
- was (wəz) – past tense of “am” or “is” (singular)
- were (wɜr) – past tense of “are” (plural)
- be (bi) – infinitive form of the verb “to be”
- is (ɪz) – present tense of “am” or “are” (singular)
- however / whenever / whether / if
- however (haʊˈɛvər) – nevertheless
- whenever (wɛnˈɛvər) – at any time
- whether (ˈwɛðər) – expressing a choice between alternatives
- if (ɪf) – introducing a condition
- no / none / false / not
- no (noʊ) – not any
- none (nʌn) – not any (referring to people)
- false (fɔls) – not true
- not (nɑt) – expressing negation
- misappropriate / inappropriate
- inappropriate (ɪnəˈproʊpriɪt) – not suitable
- misappropriate (ˌmɪsəˈproʊpriɪt) – to use something wrongly
Please use this list for the exercise. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.
Below is the text with word gaps, each gap is numbered. The number corresponds to the words from the “List of Words for the Exercise” section. For example, you see that in the text (1) ____. This means that you need to choose from the words in the “List of Words for the Exercise” section from list 1. It can be “insensible” or “insensitive“. And so on, until all the blanks for 15 words in the text are filled, after which we can check the correctness of the exercise.