Practice. Present Simple and Continuous. Present Passive. Prepositions

Practice. Present Simple and Continuous. Present Passive. Prepositions


Practice. Present Simple and Continuous. Present Passive. Prepositions

All the lights are _____ . I can see nothing.

I wonder why they aren’t answering the door. There must be someone _____ .

Most days the shop _____ at 10.00 p.m.

Why isn’t there any hot water? The central heating is _____ . That’s why.

Hello. Can I speak to Mr. James, please?” I’m sorry. He isn’t _____ at the moment. Can I take a message?”

Where shall we go for a meal? It’s _____ you. It’s your birthday. You choose.

They _____ camping any more

I _____ extra money teaching computer studies

Ursula _____ four brothers and sisters

Sue and Geoff _____ a shop.

English is _____ here

I feel like going to the cinema tonight. Good idea! What’s _____ at the moment?

You’re crying. What’s _____ ? I’m just a bit sad. That’s all.

I _____ the traffic in Bangkok

I think this milk’s _____ . It smells horrid.

It _____ her fifteen minutes _____ to school

This kind of shop _____ a milk bar

About one thousand people are _____ in the factory

She _____ school at 7:45 a.m.

Our factory is being _____ over by an American company

That block of flats is being _____ because it is unsafe

In Britain milk is _____ to your doorstep

Lots of tulips are _____ in Holland

I must be _____ soon. I want to get to the shops before they close.

Is service _____ in the bill?

Our kitchen _____ decorated at the moment

Come on, kids! Aren’t you _____ yet? Breakfast’s on the table.

Hello. Can I speak to Mr. James, please? I’m sorry. He is _____ on holiday at the moment. Can I help you?

Volvos are _____ in Sweden

I _____ lunch in the university canteen

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Basic grammar – Present Simple and Continuous. Present Passive. Prepositions

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