Present Perfect Grammar Test: Check Your Knowledge!


Present Perfect in English

Present Perfect is a tense that indicates a connection between the past and the present moment. It is usually used to tell about actions that happened in an indefinite time, and the consequences are expressed in the present. The main form consists of the auxiliary verb “have” (for I, you, we, they) or “has” (for he, she, it) and the third form of the verb (V3).


  • I have visited Paris
  • She has read that book

Using the Present Perfect

  1. Completed actions with connection to the present tense:
    • I have finished my homework.
  2. Actions that happened in the indefinite past tense:
    • They have visited that museum.
  3. Actions that happened in an indefinite time until the present time:
    • She has never traveled by train.
  4. Actions related to the present moment:
    • We’ve eaten breakfast already
  5. Actions that have a result in the present tense:
    • He’s lost his keys.

Remember that the answer to the question: “Have you…?” –  “Yes, I have” or “No, I haven’t”. And to the question “Has she…?” – “Yes, she has” or “No, she hasn’t”.

Formation of the Present Perfect

Positive Form: Subject + have/has + V3 (third form of the verb)

For affirmative sentences, the auxiliary verb “have” or “has” (depending on the person) and the third form of the verb (V3) are used.

  1. I have traveled to Spain.
  2. She has finished her work.
  3. They have learned English.

Negative Form: Subject + have/has + not + V3

For negative sentences, add “not” after the auxiliary verb “have” or “has“. Common abbreviation: “have not” – “haven’t”, “has not” – “hasn’t”.

  1. I have not (haven’t) seen that movie.
  2. She has not (hasn’t) visited London.
  3. They have not (haven’t) finished their homework.

Question Form: Have/Has + subject + V3?

For interrogative sentences, the auxiliary verb “have” or “has” is moved to the beginning of the sentence before the subject.

  1. Have I ever been to Paris?
  2. Has she read the book?
  3. Have they seen this movie before?

Note that the form “have” with you (I, you, we, they) is used for all persons except the third person singular (he, she, it), for which “has” is used. Also, do not forget that for questions you can use the words “ever”, “never”, “already”, “yet” and others to specify the time in the verb.

Test on the topic Present Perfect

Thanks to these rules, you will be able to cope with the test and confidently answer questions related to the Present Perfect. In this test you will find 20 questions on the topic “Present Perfect”. Remember that you have unlimited attempts and time to complete the task, so practice at your own pace.


Practice. Present Perfect Grammar Test: Check Your Knowledge!

He __________ never __________ to Asia

__________ she __________ her keys yet?

She __________ a book yet

My sister __________ her degree last year.

They __________ in this city since 2018.

They __________ their homework already

He __________ his car keys. He can't find them anywhere.

She __________ at that company for five years before she moved to a new job.

She __________ for that company since 2010.

__________ they __________ the new restaurant downtown?

She __________ to Europe twice in her life.

I __________ never __________ that before.

__________ you __________ your passport with you?

We __________ that movie before

__________ you ever __________ a mountain?

Have you ever __________ to Paris?

The train __________ already __________ when we got to the station.

My parents __________ me a car for my birthday.

They __________ their lunch yet.

How many times __________ to the United States?

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