Practice. Present Simple, Present Continuous

Present simple or continuous? Types of Present Tense with Examples

Practice. Present Simple, Present Continuous

Present simple or continuous? Types of Present Tense with Examples

Practice. Present Simple, Present Continuous

Derek’s good at golf but he _____ very often

Where _____ on holidays?

I _____ a pain in my leg

Nurses _____ after people in hospital

Mrs. Steele _____ to her boss. I’ll tell her you phoned

In Britain people _____ on the right

Annie _____ from Ireland.

She is not ready. She _____ her hair.

_____ lots of books every year.

I _____ to work now. Good-bye!

I _____ a book about astrology these days

Turn the T.V off. No one _____ it!

I _____ four languages

We _____ to a party next Saturday

Every morning Tessa _____ at 7.30.

I’m sorry. I can’t help you at the moment. I _____ dinner

_____ to go out tonight?

Oh, someone _____ in my seat!

The sun _____ in the day time

She _____ for dinner this evening

Your score is


Learn grammar – Present Simple, Present Continuous

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