Phrasal verbs with “wind” in English

What does “wind” mean and how is it used?
The word “wind” (pronounced as [wɪnd]) has several meanings, but when we talk about phrasal verbs with “wind,” we usually mean its combination with other words that form new expressions with their own unique meanings. These phrasal verbs are an important part of the English language and are used in various contexts.
The primary meaning of the word “wind” (as a noun) is the air that is moving or a stream of air that is perceived as a breeze.
As a phrasal verb, “wind” has several different meanings depending on the context. The main meaning of this phrasal verb is to make a circular or zigzag motion around or along something. It can also mean to pull or coil something, especially an object with an elongated shape.
Let’s examine in detail the phrasal verbs with “wind,” their meanings, and examples of their usage.
Phrasal verbs with “wind”
Wind up
- Meaning: To finish or bring something to an end.
- Example: They decided to wind up the meeting after several hours of discussion.
- Meaning: To end up in a situation where things go wrong or problems arise.
- Example: He wound up losing all his savings due to bad investments.
- Meaning: To conclude a business matter or engage in a particular activity.
- Example: We need to wind up the project by the end of the month.
- Meaning: To irritate or annoy someone, especially if done intentionally.
- Example: His constant teasing really winds up his little sister.
Wind on
- Meaning: To forward a film or tape to a certain point.
- Example: He wound on the videotape to skip past the commercials.
- Meaning: To discuss or act, usually gradually or compellingly, to direct events in a certain direction.
- Example: The speaker wound on with his lecture, captivating the audience with each new point.
Wind down
- Meaning: To gradually decrease the intensity of something or become calmer. To slowly close a business or operation.
- Example: I like to wind down by reading a book before bed.
- Meaning: To relax or become calmer.
- Example: I like to wind down by reading a book before bed.
Wind around
- Meaning: To coil or twist around something, usually in the context of movement.
- Example: The road winds around the mountain, offering breathtaking views.
- Meaning: To wrap or coil something around something else.
- Example: He wound the rope around the post to secure it.
Wind off
- Meaning: To uncoil or remove something that is wound around something.
- Example: She carefully wound off the thread from the spool.
- Meaning: To conclude or wrap up a matter.
- Example: The speaker wound off with an inspirational message.
Wind through
- Meaning: To pass or move through something in a winding or changing direction.
- Example: The river winds through the forest, creating a beautiful landscape.
Wind away
- Meaning: To gradually spend time doing something, usually something enjoyable.
- Example: They spent the afternoon winding away the hours at the beach.
- Meaning: To avoid responsibility.
- Example: He tried to wind away from the responsibility, but he couldn’t.
Wind into
- Meaning: To try to enter a particular state or situation.
- Example: She tried to wind herself into the group of friends.
Wind out
- Meaning: To extend or uncoil something long or stretched out.
- Example: He slowly wound out the measuring tape to check the length.
- Meaning: To disseminate information, news, or rumors.
- Example: The news quickly wound out about the upcoming event.
These phrasal verbs are just a few examples of how the word “wind” can be combined with other words to create new expressions with their unique meanings. Learning phrasal verbs will help you expand your vocabulary and better understand the English language.