Phrasal verbs with “power” in English

What is the meaning of the word “power” in English
Phrasal verbs are one of the most intriguing yet challenging topics in English. They consist of a main verb and one or more prepositions or adverbs that alter the meaning of the original verb. In this article, we will explore phrasal verbs with the base “power,” which are not only interesting but also quite common in everyday communication.
The word “power” in English has several meanings. Let’s look at some of them:
- The ability to do something or influence events:
- The president has the power to veto legislation. (The president has the right to veto legislation.)
- Electrical energy:
- The entire city lost power after the storm. (The entire city was left without power after the storm.)
- Physical strength:
- This machine has a lot of power. (This machine has a lot of power.)
- Authority or control:
- The company has too much power over its employees. (The company has too much power over its employees.)
Phrasal verbs with the word “power,” such as “power up” and “power down,” are very common. Let’s take a closer look at them with some examples of their use.
Phrasal verbs with “power”
Power up
- Power up means to “turn on” or “provide energy” to a device or system.
- Before starting the meeting, make sure to power up the projector.
Power down
- Power down means to “turn off” or “shut down” a device or system.
- Don’t forget to power down your computer before leaving the office.
Power through
- Power through means to “push through something with effort” or to “continue despite difficulties.”
- Despite the heavy rain, the team decided to power through and finish the game.
Power over
- Power over is used when talking about domination or control over someone or something.
- The new manager tried to power over the team to establish his authority.
Power up to
- Power up to means to “gather courage” or to “prepare for something significant.”
- She powered up to ask for a promotion after completing a big project.
Power through with
- Power through with means to “complete something despite difficulties.”
- He powered through with his studies even though he was feeling unwell.
Power on
- Power on means to “turn on” or “start operating” a device or system.
- Power on the TV and see what’s on the news.
Power off
- Power off means to “turn off” or “stop operating” a device or system.
- It’s important to power off your phone during meetings.
- Empower means to “give the ability” or “provide rights or influence.”
- The new policy aims to empower employees to make more decisions on their own.
Exercise on phrasal verbs with “power”
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences using phrasal verbs with “power.”
- Before starting work, don’t forget to _________ your computer.
- Despite a tough day, he decided to _________ and finish the project.
- The new coach tried to _________ the team to establish his authority.
- After a long break, they decided to _________ all their devices for updates.
- It is important to _________ your computer after work to save energy.
- She gained the courage to _________ and asked for a promotion.
- To save energy, we recommend you _________ all unused electronic devices.
- Despite the difficulties, she managed to _________ her work.
- The new law aims to _________ citizens to take a more active role in decision-making.
- Please _________ the TV and check what’s on now.
- Before starting work, don’t forget to power up your computer.
- Despite a tough day, he decided to power through and finish the project.
- The new coach tried to power over the team to establish his authority.
- After a long break, they decided to power up all their devices for updates.
- It is important to power down your computer after work to save energy.
- She gained the courage to power up to and asked for a promotion.
- To save energy, we recommend you power off all unused electronic devices.
- Despite the difficulties, she managed to power through with her work.
- The new law aims to empower citizens to take a more active role in decision-making.
- Please power on the TV and check what’s on now.