Phrasal Verbs with “ADD”

Learning phrasal verbs with “ADD” in English
Learning English is always an interesting and unforgettable journey into the world of expressions and words. Today we will talk about phrasal verbs that include the verb “ADD” [æd]. Phrasal verbs are an important part of the English language and are used in spoken and written language. Learning these expressions will help improve your communication skills and make your speech more expressive.
TOP 15 phrasal verbs with ADD
We suggest you familiarize yourself with the 15 most popular phrasal verbs with “add“:
- Add up: To calculate the total of something.
- Please add up the expenses for the month.
- Add in: To include something with something else.
- You can add in your suggestions to the report.
- Add on: To include an extra item or amount to something.
- They decided to add on an extra room to their house.
- Add to: To increase or enhance something.
- His dedication added to the success of the team.
- Add up to: To reach a total or equal a certain amount, To lead to a particular result or conclusion.
- The costs add up to more than we expected.
- They decided to add on to their vacation and stay another week.
- Add up (intransitive): To make sense or be logical.
- Her story doesn’t add up; there must be more to it.
- Add on (noun): An extra item or feature.
- The app has many useful add-ons.
- Add up to (noun): The total amount or result of something.
- The add-up to our monthly expenses is quite high.
- Add together: To combine numbers or quantities.
- Let’s add the figures together to find the total.
- Add up (transitive): To believe or accept something.
- I find it hard to add up his excuses for being late.
- Add up (to): To lead to a particular result or conclusion.
- All these clues add up to a possible solution.
- Add up to (transitive): To be a significant part of a whole.
- Your hard work added up to the team’s success.
- Add up (for): To consider or count someone as a particular thing.
- He adds up as a reliable friend.
- Add up (intransitive, informal): To become clear or apparent.
- It took me a while, but it finally added up that he was the one who stole my book.
- Add out: To add to, enhance, or improve something, often indicating an effort to achieve a better result.
- She decided to add out extra decorations to make the party more festive.
Examples of phrasal verbs with “ADD”
Now that we’ve covered these phrasal verbs, let’s look at a few sentences to better understand and remember them:
- I need to add up all the expenses for this month
- Don’t forget to add in the cost of shipping
- She decided to add on an extra course to her schedule
- His efforts added to the success of the project
Phrasal verbs with the word “ADD” are an important part of your English vocabulary. Using them makes your speech richer and more precise. Remember these expressions and practice using them in your everyday life to become more confident in English.