Practice. Comparative and superlative adjectives. What’s it like?

Comparative and superlative adjectives

Practice. Comparative and superlative adjectives. What’s it like?

Comparative and superlative adjectives

Practice. Comparative and superlative adjectives. What’s it like? Vocabulary

Here is the ____ news. Share prices on the Dow Jones Index have fallen dramatically.

Rome was hotter _____ I expected

Trains in London are more crowded _____ in Paris

Oxford is one of ___ oldest universities in Europe

My dad’s really ____. He always buys presents for everyone

What _____ New York like? It’s really exciting!

After a heart attack, he needed a major surgery, but fortunately the operation was _____.

Venice is a very _____ city. A lot of people go there on honeymoon.

The disco was so _____ that you couldn’t hear yourself speak

She had a car crash, but she was _____ to escape with no injuries at all.

Before you can get a credit card, you have to provide a lot of _____

He’s _____ older than he looks

He isn’t as intelligent _____ his sister

Who is the _____ man in the world?

I didn’t like that city at all. The streets were so _____ and the air was so _____.

Everything is _____ in my country

This is _____ than I expected

I try to lead a _____ lifestyle - lots of exercises, fruit, and no junk food

After the earthquake, the country needed a lot of _____ equipment to look after the sick and wounded

Jessica’s as tall _____ her mother

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We study grammar – Comparative and superlative adjectives

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