Exercises: How to use “Go” in English

Phrasal verbs: with 'Go' phrases (guide for beginners)

Practice (quiz) using expressions with ‘Go’ in English

The word “go” is one of the most versatile and commonly used verbs in the English language. It carries multiple meanings and can be employed in various phrases and constructions. Here are some of the most prevalent ways “go” is used:

1. Go + Verb+ing

The word “go” can be combined with other verbs to form various useful phrases:

  • Go swimming: to take a swim.
    • Example: “I love to go swimming at the beach in the summer.”
  • Go shopping: to engage in shopping.
    • Example: “She likes to go shopping on the weekends.”
  • Go jogging: to embark on a run.
    • Example: “Many people go jogging in the park for exercise.”
  • Go fishing: to head out for a fishing trip.
    • Example: “He often goes fishing with his friends.”

2. Go + Infinitive

The word “go” is also used in conjunction with auxiliary verbs and infinitives:

  • Go to eat: to go and have a meal.
    • Example: “We can go to eat at our favorite restaurant tonight.”
  • Go to sleep: to go to bed.
    • Example: “It’s late; I should go to sleep now.”

3. Go + to + Place

The word “go” is frequently paired with specific times or locations:

  • Go to school: to attend school.
    • Example: “Children go to school during the week.”
  • Go to work: to head to work.
    • Example: “I have to go to work early tomorrow morning.”
  • Go to the beach: to visit the beach.
    • Example: “We like to go to the beach on hot summer days.”

4. Go + General Event or State

“Go” can express a general state of an event or the resulting state:

  • Go well: to proceed smoothly or successfully.
    • Example: “The meeting went well, and we made good progress.”
  • Go wrong: to take an unfavorable turn.
    • Example: “Something went wrong with the experiment.”
  • Go smoothly: to proceed without issues.
    • Example: “The wedding preparations are going smoothly.”

5. Go + Preposition/Adverb and Phrasal Verbs

In English, “go” is often combined with various prepositions and adverbs to create phrasal verbs that depict different actions and situations. Here are some of the most common phrasal verbs:

  • Go to: to move to a specific location.
    • Example: “I want to go to the store.”
  • Go on: to continue doing something.
    • Example: “Please go on with your story.”
  • Go in: to enter a place.
    • Example: “He decided to go in the house.”
  • Go out: to leave a building or head somewhere.
    • Example: “Let’s go out for dinner.”
  • Go up: to increase or ascend.
    • Example: “The price of the stock went up.”

These various uses of “go” enhance your English vocabulary and enable more precise and vivid expressions, aiding in effective communication in diverse contexts.

This is only part of the phrasal verbs with go. For a detailed study of phrasal verbs with “go”, read the article: Phrasal verb with go in English

Test: using of expressions with ‘Go’ in English

Phrasal verbs: with 'Go' phrases

Practice. Expressions with Go

Time goes ______ quickly, my dear.

Don’t you think we should go ______ our plans again?

What color did he go ______?

Let’s go ______ to the river to swim.

I don’t think you should go ______ a job in that company

Why did the alarm go ______ like that?

What he said goes ______ his principles.

John is not happy because his son went ______ the Army.

Let’s go ______ for dinner tonight?

My complaint goes ______ you, too.

Why did he go ______ on his word?

Put the milk in the fridge or it will go ______.

The price of gas did not go ______ as we expected

Love and hate normally go ______.

I believe she’ll never go ______ for sewing.

What’s going ______ here!

Your score is


Interesting expressions and phrases with “go”

We also offer you a glimpse into fascinating expressions and phrases involving the word “go” that you can explore further. Here are some of them:

  • Go the extra mile: To go above and beyond what is required to achieve one’s goals. For example, “She always goes the extra mile to help her colleagues.”
  • Go with the flow: To adapt to the current situation or plan actions based on circumstances. For example, “I don’t have a set plan; I just go with the flow.”
  • Go bananas: To become extremely emotional or nervous. For example, “The kids went bananas when they heard about the surprise party.”
  • Go off the deep end: To lose self-control or sanity, often due to stress or sudden events. For example, “After losing his job, he went off the deep end.”
  • Go the whole nine yards: To make every effort possible to achieve success. For example, “She’s determined to go the whole nine yards in her career.”
  • Go down memory lane: To share memories from the past. For example, “As we looked at old photos, we went down memory lane.”
  • Go green: To adopt an environmentally friendly lifestyle. For example, “Many people are choosing to go green by reducing their carbon footprint.”
  • Go to great lengths: To make significant efforts to achieve a goal. For example, “She went to great lengths to organize the perfect wedding.”

These expressions not only add depth to your understanding of the word “go” but also contribute to a more vibrant and varied use of the English language in both everyday conversation and writing.

There are many interesting word combinations with the verb to go, detailed in the article: Collocations with “Go”: Enhancing Your English Vocabulary

Knowing the different expressions and constructions with the word “go” will help you better understand and use the word in different contexts. In problems with expressions like the ones you presented, it is important to understand the meaning and use of “go” in order to choose the correct answer.

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