Exercise Check how you know English tenses Practice on the use of English tenses 0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Open the brackets correctly I ___ a friend (to help) am helping helping help am help Не _____ his homework, now he may play (to do) has done have is have done She ____ her friend every day (to help) is help helps is helps help She ___ milk, but he isn’t, he ___ milk (to drink, to hate) drinking, hates is drinking, hates is drink, hates is drink, hate When it ___ I don’t drive (to rain) rains rain is rain is rains Не does not ____ milk (to drink) drank drink drinks to drink It _____ hard yesterday all day (to rain) raining/rained was raining/rained is rained is raining Му camera _____ good pictures (to take) is take take takes to takes The windows are dirty, the man ___ to wash them (to come) didn’t сamе didn’t соmе/hasn’t come hasn’t comes didn’t соmеs/hasn’t comes Look at the great pictures, I ___ them (to take) have taken/took am taking taking am taken/took Your score is 0% Restart quiz To learn or repeat English tenses, go to the section – Verb tenses Post Navigation Previous How to use irregular verbs regularly in English?Next Phrasal Verbs with “SET” in English