TOP 20 popular Internet slangs in English


Internet slang in English

Modern communication on the Internet requires not only the ability to use grammatically correct sentences and have a vocabulary, but also knowledge of popular Internet slang. Internet slang is a set of expressions, abbreviations and words used in the online environment for efficient and quick communication. In this article, we will look at some popular examples of Internet slang that will help you improve your English language skills.

TOP 20 popular Internet slangs

  1. LOL Laugh Out Loud: Let’s start with one of the most common terms – LOL. It is used to express laughter or humor. When you see something funny online, you can respond with a “LOL” or “Haha” comment. Using such Internet slang adds to the ease of interaction and communication with English-speaking users.
  2. BRB Be Right Back: BRB stands for “Be Right Back” and is used when you want to announce that you are taking a short break or leaving the chat for a while. This is a useful expression to use in online communication when you want to quickly jump back and continue the conversation.
  3. IMO In My Opinion: IMO stands for “In My Opinion” and is used when you want to express your personal opinion or view on something. For example, if you’re discussing a movie or book in an online discussion, you can add “IMO” before your comment to show that it’s your personal opinion.
  4. SMH Shaking My Head: SMH stands for “Shaking My Head” and is used to express disappointment, displeasure or a negative attitude towards something. For example, if you see a silly situation or just don’t understand why someone did something, you can respond with a “SMH” comment. This expression helps convey your attitude without using long explanations.
  5. TBT Throwback Thursday: TBT stands for “Throwback Thursday” and is used on social media, especially Instagram, to post old photos or memories. It is a trending hashtag that allows people to share their memories and recreate moments from the past.
  6. FTW For The Win: FTW stands for “For The Win” and is used to emphasize something you think is superior or extremely cool. For example, if you’re watching a movie and think it’s really cool, you can comment “This movie is amazing, FTW!”.
  7. FOMOFear Of Missing Out: FOMO означає “Fear Of Missing Out” і використовується для опису почуття, коли ви боїтеся пропустити щось цікаве або важливе. Це популярний термін, який використовується в контексті соціальних подій, партій або подорожей. Наприклад, ви можете написати коментар “I can’t miss this party, FOMO is real!” (“Я не можу пропустити цю вечірку, FOMO сильно впливає!”).
  8. IRL In Real Life: IRL stands for “In Real Life” and is used to distinguish between the online world and real life. When you want to indicate that something is happening or is about the real world, you can use this term. For example, if you plan to meet online friends in person, you can say “Let’s meet up IRL!”.
  9. BTWBy The Way: BTW is used to add additional information or change the topic in a conversation. For example, “BTW, I met a mutual friend of ours today.”
  10. FYI For Your Information:FYI stands for “For Your Information” and is used when you want to give someone information or let them know something important. For example, “FYI, the meeting has been rescheduled for next week.”
  11. DM Direct Message: DM stands for “Direct Message” and is used to send personal messages via social networks or messengers. For example, “Send me a DM to discuss details.”
  12. LMK Let Me Know: LMK is used to invite a person to inform you about something or to let you know about their decisions. For example, “If you have any questions, LMK.”
  13. JK Just Kidding: JK stands for “Just Kidding” and is used to indicate that you are mocking or joking and then making it clear that it is not serious. For example, “You thought I took your food? JK!”
  14. TBH To Be Honest: TBH is used to express an honest or candid opinion. For example, “TBH, I’ve never been a fan of this band.”
  15. AKA Also Known As: AKA stands for “Also Known As” and is used to indicate an alternate name or nickname. For example, “My sister, AKA a culinary genius.”
  16. ATM At The Moment: ATM is used to describe what is happening at the moment. For example, “I’m busy ATM, talk to you later.”
  17. ASAP As Soon As Possible: ASAP stands for “As Soon As Possible” and is used when you want something done as soon as possible. For example, “We need feedback on this letter ASAP.”
  18. HMUHit Me Up: HMU означає “Hit Me Up” і використовується для запрошення людини зв’язатися з вами або звернутися до вас. Наприклад, “Якщо у тебе є питання, просто HMU.”
  19. TTYL: Talk to you later – “TTYL” stands for “Talk to you later”. This expression is used when you want to tell someone that you want to end the conversation for now, but plan to contact them again later. For example, you might say, “Okay, I’ve got something to do now. TTYL!”
  20. G2G: Got to go – “G2G” means “Got to go”. This shorthand expression is used when you want to tell another person that you need to go or leave the place where you are. For example, you can write: “Time to go! G2G! See you!”

Knowing popular Internet slang can make your online communication easier and help you understand English-speaking people more easily. The above examples are just a few of the many terms used in the online environment. Learn this special jargon, use it in context and enjoy even more effective online communication!

British slang: how to understand it and the most popular phrases, we study in the article: TOP 100 British slang words and phrases

Video – 15 English Slang Words You NEED TO KNOW in 2020 (Speak Like a Native)

In this video, you will find useful information about 15 popular English slang words that will help you speak English like a native speaker. You will learn about their meaning, usage and possible contexts in which they are used. This is a great way to deepen your knowledge of the English language and improve your communication skills. I recommend watching this video to expand your vocabulary and become more confident in English communication (thanks linguamarina).

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