Phrasal verbs with “link” in English

Meaning and usage of the word “link” in English
Phrasal verbs are an important part of the English language, especially when it comes to everyday communication. They consist of a verb and one or more prepositions that change the main meaning of the verb. Today we will consider phrasal verbs with “link“. To begin with, let’s understand its meaning and use. As a noun, “link” can mean:
- A connection between two people, things, or ideas, such as “There’s a direct link between diet and heart disease.”
- One of the rings in a chain.
- A hyperlink, which is a connection between documents on the internet, like “Click on this link to visit our online bookshop.”
As a verb, “to link” means:
- To make a connection between two or more people, things, or ideas, for example, “The use of CFCs was linked to the depletion of the ozone layer.”
- To connect two objects or places physically, like “The bridge links the island to the mainland.”
- In digital technology, to create a connection with a website, social media post, video, etc., on the internet, such as “We will link to this post from the project website.”
In terms of grammar, “link” follows the regular conjugation pattern for English verbs:
- Base form: link
- Past tense: linked
- Past participle: linked
- Present participle: linking
For example:
- “She links her blog posts to her social media accounts.”
- “They linked the computers to share files.”
- “He has linked all his devices to sync data.”
- “She is linking her presentation to the latest research.”
Let’s consider phrasal verbs with “link” in English, their meanings and examples.
Popular phrasal verbs with “link” in English
Link up
- Meaning: To form a connection or alliance.
- Example: “The two companies decided to link up for a joint marketing campaign.”
- Meaning: To join together or unite.
- Example: “The hiking trails eventually link up with the main path.”
Link up (with)
- Meaning: To connect or meet with someone.
- Example: “Let’s link up next week for coffee.”
Link into
- Meaning: connect to a larger system or network.
- Example: “The new railway line will link into the existing network, greatly improving connectivity.”
Link to
- Meaning: To connect or relate to something.
- Example: “The new evidence links him directly to the crime scene.”
Link in
- Meaning: To involve or include someone or something as part of a group or activity.
- Example: “We need to link in more stakeholders to make this project successful.”
Link with
- Meaning: To have a connection or relationship with someone or something.
- Example: “Her research findings often link with current industry trends.”
Link back
- Meaning: To refer to something previously mentioned or discussed.
- Example: “Let me link back to our earlier conversation about the project.”
Link together
- Meaning: To connect different elements or ideas.
- Example: “The detective was able to link together various clues to solve the case.”
Link off
- Meaning: To disconnect or detach.
- Example: “Make sure to link off all the devices before leaving the office.”
Link out
- Meaning: To provide a link or connection to external sources or information.
- Example: “This blog post links out to additional resources on the topic.”
Understanding and using these phrasal verbs effectively can enhance your English language skills, making your conversations and writing more dynamic. Practice incorporating these expressions into your everyday language to solidify their usage and improve your overall fluency.