Phrasal Verbs with “FILL” in English

Fill [fɪl] — used as a regular verb. The word “Fill” can be used as a noun. Let’s consider examples of the most common phrasal verbs with “fill“:

  • fill in /out
    • I had to fill in/out three forms to get my new passport
    • The dentist filled my tooth in
    • You can fill in the gaps through other sources
    • You may be asked to fill out additional forms
  • fill in for
    • Volunteers would fill in for teachers in the event of a strike
    • She went to work yesterday to fill in for a friend
  • fill up 
    • Can I fill up your glass? His office began to fill up with people
    • We must fill up, we’re nearly out of petrol
    • Stadiums fill up with people to see what’s going to happen between the lines
  • fill in/up for
    • Boss is on vacation, I’m filling up/in for him
    • Fill in the gaps
    • Please fill in this form after completing your payment

11 PHRASAL VERBS with FILL: fill in, fill out, fill up…

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