Phrasal verbs with “bog” in English

The word “bog”: meanings and usage
Let’s examine the word “bog” [bɒɡ] in English, which can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, “bog” refers to a wetland area, a marsh (wet, muddy ground that is too soft to support heavy bodies) or a damp area. Synonyms for “bog” as a noun include marsh, swamp, and mire. It is also used as a verb, “to bog”, meaning to become stuck, for example, in mud or wet ground. Here are some examples of its usage:
- “The hikers found themselves in a peat bog and had to be careful where they stepped” – “bog” as a noun.
- “The discussion bogged down when they couldn’t agree on the budget” – “bog” as a verb.
In English, “bog” is often used in phrasal verbs. For example, “bog down” means “to become obstructed by details” or “to get stuck in a process”. e.g. “Let’s not bog down in the details of the contract.” In this article, we will examine more phrasal verbs with “bog”, their meanings, and examples of usage.
Popular phrasal verbs with “bog”
Bog down
- Meaning: To become stuck or delayed, typically due to difficulties or obstacles.
- Example: “The construction project bogged down because of bad weather.”
Bog off
- Meaning: Get lost.
- Example: “He lost his temper and told her to bog off.”
- Meaning: To go away or leave, especially in a rude or abrupt manner.
- Example: “He told his annoying friend to bog off after repeated interruptions.”
Bog in
- Meaning: To begin eating enthusiastically or with great appetite.
- Example: “After the game, we all bogged in on the pizza.”
Bog into
- Meaning: Eat something enthusiastically.
- Example: “They bogged into the lunch.”
Bog down in
- Meaning: To become overly involved or entangled in something, often resulting in slow progress or confusion.
- Example: “She bogged down in the details and lost sight of the main objective.”
Bog up
- Meaning: To become blocked or congested.
- Example: “The printer bogged up with paper jams.”
Bog out
- Meaning: To escape or leave quickly, especially from a difficult or undesirable situation.
- Example: “We decided to bog out of the party when it got too noisy.”
Bog along
- Meaning: To move slowly or laboriously.
- Example: “The old car was bogging along the country road.”
Bog on
- Meaning: To continue doing something despite difficulties or setbacks.
- Example: “We need to bog on with the project, even though it’s challenging.”
Bog around
- Meaning: To waste time or loaf around aimlessly.
- Example: “Instead of working, he spent the afternoon bogging around on social media.”
Bog off with
- Meaning: To take or steal something.
- Example: “Someone bogged off with my favorite pen from the office.”
Phrasal verbs are crucial for English learners to master because their meanings are often idiomatic and not directly deducible from the individual words. By understanding and using phrasal verbs like those with “bog,” you can communicate more naturally and confidently in various situations.