Practice. Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Past Continuous

Practice. Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Past Continuous


Practice. Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Past Continuous

I _____ hello to the children, but they didn’t say anything because they _____ television

I _____ to get up this morning. It _____ and it was cold, and my bed was so warm

While the waiter _____ up the broken plates, he _____ his finger

While I _____ to work this morning I _____ an old friend

But when I _____ up the phone, there was no one there

How _____ your finger?

I _____ to the news on the radio when the phone _____

Last week the police _____ Alan in his car because he _____ over eighty miles an hour

What _____ at 8.00 last night?

While I _____ this morning, I _____ my money. I don’t know how

When I _____ at the party, everyone _____ a good time

We _____ to have a cup of coffee

_____ a good time last night?

We all _____ a terrible shock

I worked on a farm _____ the holidays

While we _____ a drink, a waiter _____ a pile of plates

She _____ a bright red coat yesterday.

I _____ and I _____ the knife

We played tennis _____ two hours

I _____ a very good program on TV last night

Your score is


Learn grammar – Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Past Continuous

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