Exercise PRE-INTERMEDIATE Practice. Passives. Tenses Practice. Passives. Tenses 0% Practice. Passives. Tenses _____ hello to your parents from me when you see them Say Keep Give Tell The telephone _____ by Bell in 1876 invented has invented was invented is invented _____ they _____ many cars last year? Have / made Will / make Been / made Did / make Someone _____ my bag! was stolen has stolen is stolen has been stolen Thieves _____ two pictures from the museum last night have stolen had stolen was stolen stole Three new factories _____ this year has built built have been built were built This is my grandfather’s watch. He _____ it every day until he died carried kept wore gave My uncle _____ £500 on the stock exchange earns keeps carries grows Where _____ these shoes made? is did was were I was late for work because I _____ the bus carried waited for missed lost A British policeman _____ guns. aren’t carried hasn’t been carried doesn’t carry don’t carry The television _____ by Bell invented was invented wasn’t invented is invented I was given this watch _____ my aunt * by to from We _____ a complaint to the manager because our meal was so bad made gave said told They _____ the picture for £3.000 are sold has sold sell sold Rolls Royce cars _____ in England is made are made makes were made A newsagent _____ stamps sell was sold is sold sells All the apple juice _____ by nine o’clock drunk was drank was drunk drink Have all the sandwiches _____? been eaten was ate eaten ate I _____ just _____ a good idea. Let’s eat out tonight have / kept am / told have / had had / carried 10.000 cars _____ next year produced will be produced are produced will produce They _____ rice in China grow grows are grown have been grown Your score is 0% Restart quiz We study grammar – Passives. Tenses Post Navigation Previous Practice. Infinitive, gerund. Describing feelings and situationsNext How to describe appearance in English?