
Let’s learn with fun – TOP 10 jokes for learning English
– Look at your face I know what you had for breakfast
– What was it?
– Eggs
– No, that was yesterday
On the Internet you can be anything you want
Its so strange that many people choose to be stupid
– Do you want to hear a dirty joke?
– Ok
– A white horse fell in the mud
In a restaurant:
Customer: Waiter, waiter! There is a frog in my soup!!!
Waiter: Sorry, sir. The fly is on vacation
My girlfriend treats me like a god
She ignores my existence and only talks to me when she needs something
Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth
Then it’s a soap opera
PUPIL: Would you punish me for something I didn`t do?
TEACHER: Of course not
PUPIL: Good, because I haven`t done my homework
Three guys stranded on a desert island find a magic lantern containing a genie, who grants them each one wish
The first guy wishes he was off the island and back home
The second guy wishes the same
The third guy says: I’m lonely. I wish my friends were back here
A guy shows up late for work
The boss yells, You should’ve been here at 8.30!
He replies: Why? What happened at 8.30?
I threw a boomerang a few years ago
I now live in constant fear