Education – words in English


Education – English Vocabulary

Learning English opens up numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. One of the key aspects of learning is mastering vocabulary related to education. In this article, we will explore essential English terms connected to education, along with their pronunciation and explanations in English.

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Key Terms Related to Education

  1. Archeology [ˌɑːrkiˈɒlədʒi]
    • Archeology is the study of ancient human history through the excavation and analysis of artifacts and remains.
  2. Atom [ˈætəm]
    • An atom is the smallest unit of matter that retains the properties of an element.
  3. Board [bɔːrd]
    • A board is a flat, thin, rectangular surface used in classrooms for writing with chalk or markers.
  4. Calculation [ˌkælkjəˈleɪʃən]
    • Calculation is the process of using mathematical methods to find a result.
  5. Calculator [ˈkælkjəˌleɪtər]
    • A calculator is a device used for performing mathematical computations.
  6. Certificate [sərˈtɪfɪkət]
    • A certificate is an official document that confirms achievement or qualification.
  7. Chalk [tʃɔːk]
    • Chalk is a soft, white material used for writing on a blackboard.
  8. Class [klæs]
    • A class is a group of students who learn together under the guidance of a teacher.
  9. Compass [ˈkʌmpəs]
    • A compass is an instrument used for drawing circles or measuring distances on a map.
  10. Country [ˈkʌntri]
    • A country is a nation with its own government, culture, and geography.
  11. Course [kɔːrs]
    • A course is a structured series of lessons on a particular subject.
  12. Diploma [dɪˈploʊmə]
    • A diploma is an official document awarded after completing a study program.
  13. Direction [dɪˈrɛkʃən]
    • Direction refers to guidance or instructions given to achieve a goal.
  14. Education [ˌɛdʒəˈkeɪʃən]
    • Education is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills through study and instruction.
  15. Filter [ˈfɪltər]
    • A filter is a tool used to separate substances or refine information.
  16. Formula [ˈfɔːrmjələ]
    • A formula is a set of rules or principles used in mathematics, science, or daily life.
  17. Geography [dʒiˈɒɡrəfi]
    • Geography is the study of the Earth’s physical features and human activities.
  18. Grammar [ˈɡræmər]
    • Grammar is the system of rules that govern the structure of language.
  19. Knowledge [ˈnɒlɪdʒ]
    • Knowledge is information and skills acquired through experience or education.
  20. Language [ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]
    • Language is a system of communication using words, gestures, or signs.
  21. Lesson [ˈlɛsən]
    • A lesson is a period of learning on a particular topic.
  22. Library [ˈlaɪbrɛri]
    • A library is a place where books, documents, and other resources are available for reading and study.
  23. Literature [ˈlɪtərətʃʊr]
    • Literature refers to written works, especially those with artistic or intellectual value.
  24. Mathematics [ˌmæθəˈmætɪks]
    • Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes, and patterns.
  25. Microscope [ˈmaɪkrəˌskoʊp]
    • A microscope is a device used to magnify small objects for closer examination.
  26. Number [ˈnʌmbər]
    • A number is a mathematical value used for counting and measuring.
  27. Pressure [ˈprɛʃər]
    • Pressure refers to the force applied to an object or a state of mental stress.
  28. Prism [prɪzəm]
    • A prism is a geometric shape with flat surfaces that refract light into different colors.
  1. Professor [prəˈfɛsər]
    • A professor is a senior academic who teaches at a university and conducts research.
  1. Pyramid [ˈpɪrəmɪd]
    • A pyramid is a three-dimensional shape with triangular sides that meet at a point, commonly associated with ancient Egyptian structures.
  1. Radioactivity [ˌreɪdioʊækˈtɪvɪti]
    • Radioactivity is the process by which unstable atomic nuclei release energy in the form of radiation.
  1. Scales [skeɪlz]
    • Scales are a measuring instrument used to determine weight or mass.
  1. Space [speɪs]
    • Space refers to the vast universe beyond Earth, as well as the concept of an empty area or volume.
  1. Statistics [stəˈtɪstɪks]
    • Statistics is the study and analysis of numerical data to identify trends and patterns.
  1. Studies [ˈstʌdiz]
    • Studies refer to academic work or the pursuit of knowledge in a particular field.
  1. Syllable [ˈsɪləbəl]
  • A syllable is a unit of pronunciation containing a vowel sound, forming part of a word.
  1. Table [ˈteɪbəl]
    • A table is an arrangement of data in rows and columns for easier reference.
  1. Translation [trænsˈleɪʃən]
    • Translation is the process of converting text or speech from one language to another.
  1. Triangle [ˈtraɪˌæŋɡəl]
    • A triangle is a geometric shape with three sides and three angles.
  1. University [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsəti]
    • A university is an institution of higher education that offers academic degrees.
  1. World map [wɜːrld mæp]
    • A world map is a representation of Earth’s surface, showing countries, continents, and oceans.

Understanding these English terms will help you navigate the field of education more effectively, expand your vocabulary, and improve your English communication skills. Incorporate these words into your daily learning to enhance your knowledge and comprehension of the English language.

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