When to Use Will, Will Be, and Will Be Able To

the difference between "will", "will be" and "will be able to"

Differences between Will, Will Be, and Will Be Able To

In English, the future tense is represented by several constructions, among which “will”, “will be”, and “will be able to” are frequently used.

Will” is an auxiliary verb used to form the simple future tense (Future Simple). It is used to express:

  • Predictions or assumptions about the future: “I think it will rain tomorrow.”
  • Spontaneous decisions: “I will help you with your homework.”
  • Promises or intentions: “I will call you as soon as I arrive.”
  • Requests or offers: “Will you join us for dinner?”

Will be” is a combination of “will” and the verb “to be”. It is used for:

  • Expressing a state or situation in the future: “The weather will be sunny next week.”
  • Describing future plans or arrangements: “The meeting will be at 3 PM.”
  • Forecasting: “By 2030, electric cars will be more common than petrol cars.”

Will be able to” is a construction used to express ability or possibility in the future. It is the future form of the modal verb “can”. It is used for:

  • Expressing future ability: “After I finish this course, I will be able to speak French fluently.”
  • Describing future possibilities: “Once we upgrade our systems, we will be able to process orders faster.”
  • Indicating overcoming obstacles in the future: “When the bridge is repaired, we will be able to cross the river.”

These forms have different meanings and are used in different contexts. Let’s examine each of them in more detail.

The use of “will”

“Will” is used to express the simple future tense. It’s a basic form that describes events or actions that will occur in the future. Here are several typical cases when “will” is used:

Predictions and expectations

“Will” is applied when we predict future events or express expectations for the future. It’s important to note that predictions can be based on personal opinions or observations.


  • It will rain tomorrow.
  • They will win the match.

Spontaneous decisions

“Will” is also used when we make decisions at the moment of speaking. These decisions were not planned in advance.


  • I will go to the store now.
  • We will have pizza for dinner.

Offers, promises, and threats

“Will” can be used to express promises, offers, as well as threats.


  • I will help you with your homework.
  • I will never forgive you!

The use of “will be”

“Will be” is a future tense form that consists of “will” and the verb “be”. It has certain specific usage cases that differ from simple “will”.

Actions in progress in the future

“Will be” is used to describe actions that will be ongoing at a certain point in the future. This aspect is also known as the Future Continuous tense. It’s important to note that this form emphasizes the process or duration of an action.


  • At 8 PM, I will be watching TV.
  • They will be traveling to New York next week.

Polite inquiries about plans

“Will be” can be used for polite questions about other people’s plans or intentions.


  • Will you be attending the meeting tomorrow?
  • Will you be joining us for lunch?

Long-term actions

“Will be” can also be used to describe actions or states that will continue for a certain time in the future.


  • She will be working at the company for many years.
  • We will be living in this city for a long time.

Comparison of “will” and “will be”

Will is used to describe:

  • Simple future events: I will call you tomorrow.
  • Spontaneous decisions: I will open the window.
  • Promises: I will always love you.

Will be is used to describe:

  • Actions in progress at a certain point in the future: At this time tomorrow, I will be flying to London.
  • Polite inquiries about plans: Will you be coming to the party?
  • Long-term actions or states: They will be staying here for the summer.

Practical examples

Here are a few examples that will help you better understand the difference between “will” and “will be”:

  • Simple Future:
    • I will write the report tomorrow.
    • Describes a simple action that will be performed in the future.
  • Future Continuous:
    • At 9 AM tomorrow, I will be writing the report.
    • Emphasizes that at a certain point in the future, the action will be ongoing.

The use of “will be able to”

“Will be able to” is the future form of “can” and is used to express future possibilities, abilities, or skills. Here are a few main examples of its use:

Future possibilities and abilities

“Will be able to” is used to indicate actions or skills that will be available in the future:

  • I will be able to drive a car next year.
  • She will be able to speak fluent English after the course.

Future achievements

“Will be able to” also indicates future achievements or the possibility of accomplishing something:

  • He will be able to finish the project on time.
  • We will be able to solve this problem together.

Let’s summarize what to remember about “will”

“Will”, “will be”, and “will be able to” are important forms for expressing future tense in English. They have their specific functions and contexts of use, and understanding the difference between them will help you express your thoughts accurately and correctly in the future tense.

The difference between these constructions:

  • “Will” is used for simple statements about the future, spontaneous decisions, and promises.
  • “Will be” is used to describe actions or situations in the future, especially when it comes to planned events or predictions.
  • “Will be able to” is used to express future ability or possibility that will appear under certain conditions.

Examples for comparison:

  • “I will visit Paris next summer.”a simple statement about the future.
  • “I will be in Paris next summer.”a description of a future situation.
  • “After I learn French, I will be able to communicate with locals in Paris.”expressing future ability.

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