65 Different ways to say “Congratulations”

65 Ways to Say Congratulations

Different Ways to Say “Congratulations” in English

Congratulations is a way to express joy and support for the achievements or events in other people’s lives. The word “congratulations” originates from the Latin word “congratulari,” which is composed of two parts: “con” (together) and “gratulor” (to wish joy, to rejoice). So, it literally means “to rejoice together.”

Using congratulatory phrases and words is an integral part of any culture. Every language has its own ways of expressing support and congratulations, and English is no exception. Whether it’s a personal achievement like graduating from school or a joyous event like a wedding, using the right congratulatory phrases helps us show our support and recognition.

In this article, we will explore various ways to say “Congratulations” in English. We will divide our material into two sections: words and phrases, so you can easily find the right expression for any situation. Each term and phrase will be accompanied by explanations and usage examples to help you quickly and effectively incorporate them into your communication.

Synonyms for the Word “Congratulations”


  • Usage: An informal, shortened version of “Congratulations.”
  • Example: Congrats on your new job!


  • Usage: A formal word often used in written congratulations.
  • Example: Felicitations on your achievement!


  • Usage: Used to praise someone for a job well done.
  • Example: Kudos to you for finishing the project on time!

Well done!

  • Usage: A general phrase suitable for various situations.
  • Example: Well done on your presentation!


  • Usage: Used to express admiration.
  • Example: Fantastic job on the project!


  • Usage: Used to express admiration.
  • Example: Your performance was sensational!


  • Usage: Used to express respect for achievements.
  • Example: Respects for your dedication and hard work!


  • Usage: Used to express joy or approval.
  • Example: Hooray! You did it!


  • Usage: Used to express respect or approval.
  • Example: Props to you for finishing the project!


  • Usage: Used to express respect or congratulations.
  • Example: Salute to the team for their hard work!

Good job!

  • Usage: Used to express praise for a well-done task.
  • Example: Good job on the project!


  • Usage: Used to express praise or approval.
  • Example: Great job on the report!


  • Usage: Used to express high praise or admiration.
  • Example: Wonderful performance!


  • Usage: Used to express high praise or admiration.
  • Example: Superb job on the project!


  • Usage: Used to express high praise or admiration.
  • Example: Amazing work!

65 Phrases That You Can Use To Say “Congratulations”

  • You did it!
    • Usage: Used to emphasize an achievement.
    • Example: You did it! I knew you could pass the exam!
  • Hats off to you!
    • Usage: A phrase to show respect for someone’s achievement.
    • Example: Hats off to you for winning the competition!
  • Cheers!
    • Usage: An informal phrase often used among friends.
    • Example: Cheers on your promotion!
  • You’ve made it!
    • Usage: Used to express joy for someone who has achieved their goal.
    • Example: You’ve made it! All your hard work paid off!
  • Bravo!
    • Usage: Used to express admiration or praise.
    • Example: Bravo! Your performance was outstanding!
  • Chapeau!
    • Usage: A French phrase used in English to show respect.
    • Example: Chapeau! Your dedication is truly inspiring!
  • A standing ovation for you!
    • Usage: Used to express great respect and admiration.
    • Example: A standing ovation for you! Your performance was phenomenal!
  • A toast in your honor!
    • Usage: Used for celebratory moments.
    • Example: A toast in your honor! Congratulations on your success!
  • Best of luck to you in the future.
    • Usage: Used to wish luck in future endeavors.
    • Example: Best of luck to you in the future!
  • Congratulations are in order!
    • Usage: Used to express congratulations.
    • Example: Congratulations are in order! Well done!
  • Great things come from great people.
    • Usage: Used to express confidence in someone’s achievements.
    • Example: Great things come from great people, and I always knew that good things would come your way.
  • I commend you.
    • Usage: Used to express praise.
    • Example: I commend you for your hard work and dedication.
  • I couldn’t be happier for you.
    • Usage: Used to express great joy for someone.
    • Example: I couldn’t be happier for you. Congratulations!
  • I have so much pride in my heart for you right now.
    • Usage: Used to express great pride.
    • Example: I have so much pride in my heart for you right now. You’ve achieved so much!
  • I knew you could do it!
    • Usage: Used to express confidence in someone’s achievements.
    • Example: I knew you could do it! Congratulations!
  • I think you are pretty great.
    • Usage: Used to express admiration.
    • Example: I think you are pretty great. Well done!
  • I’m excited for you.
    • Usage: Used to express joy for someone.
    • Example: I’m excited for you. Congratulations!
  • I’m happy for you.
    • Usage: Used to express joy for someone.
    • Example: I’m happy for you. Well done!
  • I’m impressed.
    • Usage: Used to express being impressed by achievements.
    • Example: I’m impressed with your work. Congratulations!
  • I’m proud of you.
    • Usage: Used to express pride in someone.
    • Example: I’m proud of you. You’ve achieved so much!
  • I’m thrilled for you!
    • Usage: Used to express great joy and excitement.
    • Example: I’m thrilled for you! Well done!
  • I’m wishing you the best.
    • Usage: Used to wish someone well.
    • Example: I’m wishing you the best in your new role.
  • It couldn’t happen to a better person.
    • Usage: Used to express confidence in someone’s merits.
    • Example: It couldn’t happen to a better person. Congratulations!
  • It’s time to celebrate!
    • Usage: Used to express joy and initiate celebration.
    • Example: It’s time to celebrate! Well done!
  • Keep being awesome.
    • Usage: Used to encourage someone to continue being great.
    • Example: Keep being awesome. Congratulations!
  • Keep up the great work.
    • Usage: Used to encourage continued good work.
    • Example: Keep up the great work. Well done!
  • My face has a proud smile because of you.
    • Usage: Used to express great pride.
    • Example: My face has a proud smile because of you. You’ve achieved so much!
  • Nothing can stop you now.
    • Usage: Used to express confidence in future achievements.
    • Example: Nothing can stop you now. Keep up the great work!
  • So pleased for you.
    • Usage: Used to express joy for someone.
    • Example: So pleased for you. Well done!
  • So proud of you!
    • Usage: Used to express great pride.
    • Example: So proud of you! You’ve achieved so much!
  • Success like yours can’t be bought.
    • Usage: Used to express confidence in someone’s achievements.
    • Example: Success like yours can’t be bought. Congratulations!
  • That’s the best ever.
    • Usage: Used to express great admiration.
    • Example: That’s the best ever. Well done!
  • That’s the way.
    • Usage: Used to encourage someone to keep going in the same direction.
    • Example: That’s the way. Keep it up!
  • This calls for a celebration!
    • Usage: Used to express joy and start a celebration.
    • Example: This calls for a celebration! Well done!
  • This is awesome.
    • Usage: Used to express admiration.
    • Example: This is awesome. Congratulations!
  • Today, we celebrate you.
    • Usage: Used to express joy and start a celebration.
    • Example: Today, we celebrate you. Well done!
  • Way to go.
    • Usage: Used to encourage someone to continue doing well.
    • Example: Way to go. Keep it up!
  • Way to shine.
    • Usage: Used to express admiration for someone’s achievements.
    • Example: Way to shine. Well done!
  • We are so inspired by you.
    • Usage: Used to express inspiration from someone’s achievements.
    • Example: We are so inspired by you. Congratulations!
  • We knew you could do it.
    • Usage: Used to express confidence in someone’s success.
    • Example: We knew you could do it. Well done!
  • Wishing you all the best in your new adventure.
    • Usage: Used to wish luck in new endeavors.
    • Example: Wishing you all the best in your new adventure. Congratulations!
  • Words can’t express how proud I am.
    • Usage: Used to express immense pride.
    • Example: Words can’t express how proud I am of you. Well done!
  • You amaze me.
    • Usage: Used to express great admiration.
    • Example: You amaze me. Congratulations!
  • You deserve a pat on the back.
    • Usage: Used to express praise.
    • Example: You deserve a pat on the back. Well done!
  • You deserve it.
    • Usage: Used to express confidence in someone’s merits.
    • Example: You deserve it. Congratulations!
  • You did that very well.
    • Usage: Used to praise someone’s excellent performance.
    • Example: You did that very well. Well done!
  • You get a gold star!
    • Usage: Used to express praise for excellent work.
    • Example: You get a gold star! Congratulations!
  • You get the gold medal!
    • Usage: Used to express high praise for achievements.
    • Example: You get the gold medal! Well done!
  • You got the trophy!
    • Usage: Used to express high praise for achievements.
    • Example: You got the trophy! Congratulations!
  • You have accomplished a lot.
    • Usage: Used to express praise for significant achievements.
    • Example: You have accomplished a lot. Well done!
  • You made it look easy.
    • Usage: Used to praise someone for making a task seem effortless.
    • Example: You made it look easy. Well done!
  • You nailed it.
    • Usage: Used to express high praise for success.
    • Example: You nailed it. Congratulations!
  • You really deserved it.
    • Usage: Used to express confidence in someone’s merits.
    • Example: You really deserved it. Well done!
  • You really did it.
    • Usage: Used to express great praise for achievements.
    • Example: You really did it. Congratulations!
  • You take first place!
    • Usage: Used to express high praise for achieving first place.
    • Example: You take first place! Well done!
  • You will always remember this day, and so will we.
    • Usage: Used to emphasize the significance of an event.
    • Example: You will always remember this day, and so will we. Congratulations!
  • You win the crown!
    • Usage: Used to express high praise for achievements.
    • Example: You win the crown! Well done!
  • You’re a genius.
    • Usage: Used to express admiration for intellectual achievements.
    • Example: You’re a genius. Congratulations!
  • You’re doing beautifully.
    • Usage: Used to praise someone for excellent performance.
    • Example: You’re doing beautifully. Well done!
  • You’re on the right track now.
    • Usage: Used to encourage someone to continue in the right direction.
    • Example: You’re on the right track now. Keep it up!
  • You’re really going to town.
    • Usage: Used to praise someone for excelling in their efforts.
    • Example: You’re really going to town. Keep up the great work!
  • You’re the best.
    • Usage: Used to express high praise.
    • Example: You’re the best. Congratulations!
  • You’ve earned every bit of the success you’re enjoying.
    • Usage: Used to express confidence in someone’s achievements.
    • Example: You’ve earned every bit of the success you’re enjoying. Well done!
  • Your future is so bright!
    • Usage: Used to express confidence in someone’s future achievements.
    • Example: Your future is so bright! Congratulations!
  • Keep pushing forward.
    • Usage: Used to encourage someone to keep striving towards their goals.
    • Example: Keep pushing forward. You’re doing great!

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