English Vocabulary: Family Members, Responsibilities, Traditions, Celebrations

About my family

How to Talk About Yourself and Your Family in English?

Personal Details and Place of Residence

Personal Details

When describing personal details, we use various terms and expressions to give complete information about ourselves.


  • What is your name? – My name is John.
  • Full name – My full name is John Michael Smith.


  • How old are you? – I am 25 years old.
  • Date of birth – I was born on April 15, 1998.

Place of Birth

  • Where were you born? – I was born in New York.


  • What is your nationality? – I am American.

Marital Status

  • Are you married? – I am single.
  • Married – I am married.

Contact Information

  • Phone number – My phone number is 123-456-7890.
  • Email address – My email address is john.smith@example.com.

Place of Residence

Place of residence includes various aspects such as city, country, address, and living conditions.


  • Where do you live? – I live in Kyiv.
  • I live in a big city – I live in a big city called Kyiv.


  • What country do you live in? – I live in Ukraine.
  • I live in the capital of Ukraine – Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.


  • What is your address? – My address is 123 Main Street, Kyiv.
  • I live on Main Street – My apartment is located on Main Street.

Type of Housing

  • I live in an apartment – My apartment is on the third floor.
  • I live in a house – My house has a garden and a garage.

Living Conditions

  • Do you live alone? – I live with my family.
  • I share a flat – I share a flat with my friend.

Family Members, Their Age, Professions, and Occupations

Family Members and Their Age

When describing family members and their age, it’s essential to know the terms and appropriate phrases:


  • My father – My father is 50 years old.
  • How old is your father? – He is 50.


  • My mother – My mother is 48 years old.
  • How old is your mother? – She is 48.


  • My brother – My brother is 20 years old.
  • How old is your brother? – He is 20.


  • My sister – My sister is 15 years old.
  • How old is your sister? – She is 15.


  • My grandfather – My grandfather is 75 years old.
  • How old is your grandfather? – He is 75.


  • My grandmother – My grandmother is 72 years old.
  • How old is your grandmother? – She is 72.

Professions and Occupations

When describing the professions and occupations of family members, you can use the following expressions:


  • What does your father do? – My father is an engineer.
  • Where does your father work? – He works at a construction company.


  • What does your mother do? – My mother is a teacher.
  • Where does your mother work? – She works at a school.


  • What does your brother do? – My brother is a student.
  • What does your brother study? – He studies computer science.


  • What does your sister do? – My sister is a schoolgirl.
  • What grade is your sister in? – She is in the 10th grade.


  • What did your grandfather do? – My grandfather was a farmer.
  • Is your grandfather retired? – Yes, he is retired.


  • What did your grandmother do? – My grandmother was a nurse.
  • Is your grandmother retired? – Yes, she is retired.

Family Connections, Daily Affairs, and Responsibilities

Family Connections

Describing family connections involves using various terms and expressions to show how family members are related to each other.


  • My uncle – My uncle is my mother’s brother.


  • My aunt – My aunt is my father’s sister.

Cousin (male)

  • My cousin – My cousin is my aunt’s son.

Cousin (female)

  • My cousin – My cousin is my uncle’s daughter.


  • My nephew – My nephew is my brother’s son.


  • My niece – My niece is my sister’s daughter.


  • My son-in-law – My son-in-law is my daughter’s husband.


  • My daughter-in-law – My daughter-in-law is my son’s wife.


  • My father-in-law – My father-in-law is my wife’s father.


  • My mother-in-law – My mother-in-law is my husband’s mother.

Daily Affairs and Family Responsibilities

Carrying out daily affairs and responsibilities in the family is an important part of life. Here are some examples:


  • Who does the cooking in your family? – My mother usually does the cooking.
  • I help with cooking – I help my mother with cooking.


  • Who is responsible for cleaning? – We all share the cleaning duties.
  • I clean my room – I clean my room every Saturday.


  • Who does the laundry? – My mother does the laundry.
  • I help with the laundry – I help my mother with the laundry.


  • Who does the shopping? – My father does the grocery shopping.
  • I go shopping – I go shopping with my father on weekends.

Taking out the trash

  • Who takes out the trash? – My brother takes out the trash.
  • I take out the trash – I take out the trash every evening.


  • Who looks after the children? – My grandmother looks after the children.
  • I help with childcare – I help my grandmother look after my younger siblings.

Paying bills

  • Who pays the bills? – My parents pay the bills.
  • I help with paying bills – I help my parents pay the bills online.

Family Traditions and Celebrations

Family Traditions

Family traditions are unique rituals and customs that preserve and strengthen the family spirit. Here are some examples:

Sunday Dinners

  • We have Sunday dinners together – Every Sunday, our family gathers for a special dinner.

Family Game Nights

  • We have family game nights – On Friday evenings, we play board games together.


  • We go on picnics – During the summer, we often go on picnics in the park.

Movie Nights

  • We have movie nights – Every Saturday night, we watch a movie together.

Family Trips

  • We take family trips – Every year, we take a trip to a new place.

Family Celebrations

Celebrations are important events that bring the family together. Here are some popular holidays and traditions associated with them:


  • We celebrate Christmas – On Christmas Eve, we have a big family dinner and exchange gifts.
    • Christmas tree – We decorate the Christmas tree together.

New Year

  • We celebrate New Year – On New Year’s Eve, we stay up until midnight to welcome the new year.
    • Fireworks – We watch fireworks at midnight.


  • We celebrate birthdays – On birthdays, we have a party with cake and presents.
    • Birthday cake – We bake a special cake for the birthday person.


  • We celebrate Easter – On Easter Sunday, we have an egg hunt and a family brunch.
    • Easter eggs – We dye and decorate Easter eggs.


  • We celebrate Thanksgiving – On Thanksgiving, we have a big family dinner with turkey.
    • Giving thanks – We go around the table and share what we are thankful for.


  • We celebrate weddings – At weddings, we have a ceremony followed by a reception with dancing and food.
    • Wedding traditions – We follow traditional wedding customs, like the first dance and cutting the cake.

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