20 Phrases for All English Levels (A1-C2)

How to Improve Your English: Phrases Across Different Levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
Are you learning English and aiming to speak like a native? In this article, we’ll show how common phrases can be adapted for different English proficiency levels, from beginner (A1) to advanced (C2). You’ll discover how to enhance your speaking skills by transitioning from a simple “Yes” at A1 to the more assertive “Certainly” at B2, or even the sophisticated “Unquestionably” at C2. If you’re looking for effective ways to elevate your English, this guide will help you expand your vocabulary and refine your speech. Master new phrases at every level of English.
Learning English is a gradual journey from simple expressions to more complex ones. We’ve selected 20 popular phrases across different proficiency levels to help you broaden your vocabulary.
20 Popular Phrases Across English Levels
1. Saying Yes
- A1: Yes
- A2: Sure
- B1: Absolutely
- B2: Certainly
- C1: Definitely
- C2: Unquestionably
2. Apologizing
- A1: Sorry
- A2: I’m sorry
- B1: I apologize
- B2: My apologies
- C1: I deeply regret
- C2: I sincerely apologize
3. Expressing Gratitude
- A1: Thank you
- A2: Thanks a lot
- B1: I really appreciate it
- B2: Much appreciated
- C1: I’m truly grateful
- C2: I’m profoundly grateful
4. Saying Goodbye
- A1: Bye
- A2: See you later
- B1: Take care
- B2: Catch you later
- C1: Farewell
- C2: Until we meet again
5. Asking Permission
- A1: Can I…?
- A2: May I…?
- B1: Would it be okay if I…?
- B2: Might I…?
- C1: Would you mind if I…?
- C2: Could I possibly be permitted to…?
6. Expressing Liking
- A1: I like it
- A2: I really like it
- B1: I’m fond of it
- B2: I’m very keen on it
- C1: I’m quite passionate about it
- C2: I absolutely adore it
7. Expressing Dislike
- A1: I don’t like it
- A2: I don’t really like it
- B1: I’m not a fan of it
- B2: It’s not my cup of tea
- C1: I’m not particularly fond of it
- C2: I absolutely loathe it
8. Agreeing
- A1: Okay
- A2: That’s fine
- B1: I agree with you
- B2: You’re absolutely right
- C1: I couldn’t agree more
- C2: I’m in full agreement
9. Disagreeing
- A1: No
- A2: I don’t think so
- B1: I disagree
- B2: I’m not sure about that
- C1: I beg to differ
- C2: I’m afraid I have to disagree
10. Inviting Someone
- A1: Come
- A2: Come over
- B1: Why don’t you come over?
- B2: You should come by sometime
- C1: It would be great if you could join us
- C2: I’d be delighted if you could attend
11. Understanding
- A1: I understand
- A2: Got it
- B1: I see your point
- B2: I grasp what you’re saying
- C1: I fully comprehend
- C2: I grasp the full extent of it
12. Expressing Doubt
- A1: I don’t know
- A2: I’m not sure
- B1: I’m uncertain
- B2: It’s unclear to me
- C1: I have some reservations
- C2: I’m inclined to doubt
13. Giving Approval
- A1: Good
- A2: Great
- B1: That’s awesome
- B2: That’s fantastic
- C1: That’s absolutely brilliant
- C2: That’s simply outstanding
14. Starting a Conversation
- A1: Hi
- A2: Hello
- B1: How are you?
- B2: How’s it going?
- C1: What have you been up to lately?
- C2: It’s been a while. How have things been?
15. Offering Help
- A1: Can I help?
- A2: Do you need help?
- B1: Would you like some help?
- B2: How can I assist you?
- C1: Is there anything I can do for you?
- C2: Please allow me to be of assistance
16. Asking About Plans
- A1: What are you doing?
- A2: What are your plans?
- B1: What are you up to?
- B2: Do you have anything planned?
- C1: What do you have in mind for the weekend?
- C2: How do you envisage spending your time this weekend?
17. Making a Suggestion
- A1: Let’s go
- A2: Shall we?
- B1: How about going…?
- B2: Would you care to join me?
- C1: It would be wonderful if we could…
- C2: I would strongly recommend we…
18. Making a Decision
- A1: Let’s decide
- A2: I’ve made my decision
- B1: I’ve come to a conclusion
- B2: I’ve settled on…
- C1: After careful consideration, I’ve decided…
- C2: After much deliberation, I’ve resolved to…
19. Expressing Surprise
- A1: Wow
- A2: Really?
- B1: That’s surprising
- B2: I didn’t expect that
- C1: I’m genuinely astonished
- C2: That’s absolutely mind-blowing
20. Asking for Clarification
- A1: What’s that?
- A2: Can you tell me what it is?
- B1: Could you explain what it is?
- B2: Could you clarify that for me?
- C1: Would you mind elaborating on that?
- C2: Could you provide a more detailed explanation?