Learn New English Words: A Practical Test

Practical English Lesson: Essential Words and Phrases for Everyday Life
In today’s globalized world, English has become an increasingly essential skill. This lesson covers important words and phrases used to describe weather, shopping experiences, and work-related conversations. These topics are fundamental for daily communication in English.
In the first part of our lesson, we’ll focus on weather-related vocabulary. The British are famous for their love of weather conversations, and it’s no wonder – the weather in the United Kingdom is quite changeable. It’s important to know how to properly describe various weather phenomena: from the north wind to bright sunshine and pouring rain.
The second part is dedicated to shopping. We’ll explore words and phrases that will help you navigate stores, supermarkets, and markets. You’ll learn how to properly ask about prices, request to try on clothes, and make payments.
The final part of our lesson covers vocabulary related to work and employment. This knowledge is particularly important for those planning to build a career in an English-speaking environment or participate in English job interviews.
Practice Your English Vocabulary
Below you’ll find a test that will help you evaluate your understanding of basic English words and vocabulary. The test consists of 20 questions covering all topics discussed in the lesson below. Each question has four possible answers, with only one being correct. Before starting the test, carefully read each question and all answer options. Take your time – it’s important not to just guess the correct answer but to understand why it is correct.
Comprehensive Dictionary of Terms and Expressions
Weather and Natural Phenomena
- blow [bləʊ] Definition: To move or cause air to move with force Example 1: The wind blows from the north. Example 2: A strong wind was blowing all day.
- shine [ʃaɪn] Definition: To emit or reflect light clearly and brightly Example 1: The sun shines brightly today. Example 2: The stars were shining in the night sky.
- pour [pɔː] Definition: (of rain) To fall very heavily and steadily Example 1: It’s pouring outside! Example 2: It has been pouring all morning.
- freeze [friːz] Definition: To become or cause to become hard or solid due to extreme cold Example 1: The lake freezes in winter. Example 2: Don’t forget your coat, it’s freezing outside.
- cover [ˈkʌvə] Definition: To put or spread something over something else to protect or hide it Example 1: Snow covered the ground. Example 2: The sky was covered with dark clouds.
Shopping and Finance
- spend [spend] Definition: To use money to pay for goods or services Example 1: I try not to spend too much money. Example 2: He spent all his savings on a new car.
- buy [baɪ] Definition: To obtain something by paying money for it Example 1: I need to buy some groceries. Example 2: She bought a new dress yesterday.
- sell [sel] Definition: To give something to someone else in exchange for money Example 1: They sell fresh fruit at this market. Example 2: The shop sells everything you need.
- pay [peɪ] Definition: To give money in exchange for goods or services Example 1: Don’t forget to pay for your purchases. Example 2: I’ll pay by credit card.
- cashier [kæˈʃɪə] Definition: A person who handles payments in a store or bank Example 1: The cashier gave me my change. Example 2: Please pay at the cashier.
- shelf [ʃelf] Definition: A flat, horizontal surface used for storing or displaying items Example 1: The books are on the top shelf. Example 2: Put these items back on the shelf.
- find [faɪnd] Definition: To discover or locate something after searching Example 1: I can’t find my wallet. Example 2: Where can I find the dairy products?
- need [niːd] Definition: To require something because it is essential Example 1: I need some new clothes. Example 2: What do you need from the store?
- money [ˈmʌni] Definition: A medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes Example 1: I need to save some money. Example 2: Do you have enough money?
- cash [kæʃ] Definition: Money in the form of coins or notes rather than checks or credit cards Example 1: Do you accept cash? Example 2: I prefer to pay in cash.
Work and Career
- qualifications [ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃnz] Definition: Official records of achievement awarded upon completion of courses or training Example 1: She has all the necessary qualifications for this job. Example 2: The position requires specific qualifications.
- experience [ɪkˈspɪərɪəns] Definition: Knowledge or skill gained through practice and observation Example 1: Three years of work experience required. Example 2: She has extensive experience in marketing.
- skills [skɪlz] Definition: Abilities and expertise learned and developed through training or practice Example 1: Good communication skills are essential. Example 2: What skills do you have?
- interview [ˈɪntəvjuː] Definition: A formal meeting where someone is asked questions to assess their suitability for a job Example 1: I have a job interview tomorrow. Example 2: She passed the interview successfully.
- salary [ˈsæləri] Definition: A fixed regular payment made by an employer, typically monthly Example 1: What’s the annual salary for this position? Example 2: They offer a competitive salary.
- wages [weɪdʒɪz] Definition: Payment for work, typically paid on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis Example 1: The minimum wages have increased. Example 2: Workers receive their wages weekly.
- job [dʒɒb] Definition: Regular work that someone does to earn money Example 1: I’m looking for a new job. Example 2: This is a full-time job.
- duty [ˈdjuːti] Definition: A task or action that someone is required to perform as part of their job Example 1: What are your main duties? Example 2: It’s my duty to ensure everything works properly.
Additional Useful Words and Phrases
- try on [traɪ ɒn] Definition: To put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits or looks good Example 1: Can I try on this jacket? Example 2: You should try these shoes on.
- look for [lʊk fɔː] Definition: To search for something or attempt to find something Example 1: I’m looking for my glasses. Example 2: What are you looking for?
- manager [ˈmænɪdʒə] Definition: A person responsible for controlling or administering a business or organization Example 1: Can I speak to the manager? Example 2: The manager will help you with your request.
- customer [ˈkʌstəmə] Definition: A person who buys goods or services from a shop or business Example 1: The customer is always right. Example 2: We value our customers.
Useful Phrases for Different Situations
In Clothing Stores
Common phrases when shopping for clothes
- “Do you have this in a different size?” Used when looking for the same item in another size
- “Where are the fitting rooms?” When you need to try clothes on
- “Does this come in other colors?” Asking about color options for an item
- “Is this on sale?” Asking if there’s a discount on the item
- “Can I return it if it doesn’t fit?” Inquiring about the return policy
- “Do you have anything similar?” Looking for alternative options
At the Supermarket
Essential phrases for grocery shopping
- “Where can I find the dairy products?” Asking for directions to a specific section
- “Is this price for one item or the whole pack?” Clarifying the pricing
- “Do you accept credit cards?” Asking about payment methods
- “Where is the checkout?” Looking for where to pay
- “Do you have a loyalty card?” Asking about customer reward programs
- “Can I have a bag, please?” Requesting a shopping bag
During Job Interviews
Professional phrases for interview situations
- “Let me tell you about my previous experience.” Introducing your work history
- “What opportunities are there for career growth?” Asking about professional development
- “What are the main responsibilities of this position?” Clarifying job duties
- “Why did you choose our company?” Common interview question about company interest
- “Do you have any questions for me?” Standard end-of-interview question
- “What is the company culture like?” Asking about workplace environment
Discussing Weather
Common phrases for weather conversations
- “The weather forecast says it will rain later.” Sharing weather predictions
- “It’s getting warmer/colder.” Describing temperature changes
- “What beautiful sunshine!” Expressing appreciation of good weather
- “The wind is picking up.” Describing increasing wind
- “It looks like it might snow.” Predicting snow
- “It’s quite humid today.” Describing moisture in the air
At Restaurants/Cafes
Useful dining phrases
- “Could I see the menu, please?” Requesting to view food options
- “What’s today’s special?” Asking about featured dishes
- “Could I have the bill, please?” Requesting the check
- “Is service included?” Asking about gratuity
- “Do you take reservations?” Asking about booking a table
- “Can I pay by card?” Asking about payment methods
At Work
Professional workplace phrases
- “Could you help me with this task?” Requesting assistance
- “When is the deadline for this project?” Asking about time limits
- “I’ll send you an email about that.” Promising follow-up communication
- “Let’s schedule a meeting.” Suggesting a formal discussion
- “Do you have a minute to discuss something?” Requesting a brief conversation
- “I’ll get back to you on that.” Promising to follow up later
At the Bank
Banking-related phrases
- “I’d like to open an account.” Starting banking services
- “What’s the exchange rate?” Asking about currency conversion
- “Can I withdraw money here?” Asking about cash withdrawal
- “I’ve lost my credit card.” Reporting a lost card
- “What are the fees for international transfers?” Inquiring about transfer costs
- “Is there an ATM nearby?” Looking for cash machine location
General Polite Phrases
Universal courteous expressions
- “Could you please help me?” Politely requesting assistance
- “I’m sorry to bother you.” Polite interruption
- “Thank you very much for your help.” Expressing gratitude
- “Would you mind if…?” Asking permission politely
- “I really appreciate your assistance.” Showing gratitude for help
- “Could you repeat that, please?” Requesting clarification